
You’ve never had a mistress like me.If you don’t WORSHIP my pussy, I’ll castrate you into submission

You’ve never had a mistress like me.

If you don’t WORSHIP my pussy, I’ll castrate you into submission.

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Nervous? Aw, don’t be. I’ve done this plenty of times.Want one last fuck so you have something to re

Nervous? Aw, don’t be. I’ve done this plenty of times.

Want one last fuck so you have something to remember?

You won’t want to after they snip off your balls.

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#castration #eunuch Living as a Eunuch What a completely different life you are going to lead! The r

#castration #eunuch Living as a Eunuch 

What a completely different life you are going to lead! The removal of testosterone is going to change you forever. These changes are going to be IRREVERSIBLE  and PERMANENT! Some of these changes will be immediate. Like your physical appearance and what you now see in the mirror. This drastic hormonal change will affect your libido, your emotions and your sexual identity. After all, you are no longer a man but certainly not a Woman! There are so many things that will become non issues. Things such as chronic masturbating, the size of your penis and reproduction As I like to say, when you become a eunuch you will be tamed!
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CASTRATIONThe final step in your emasculation


The final step in your emasculation

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femdomfemalesupremacy: Making you My wife Castration  It is like a dream come true! Everything you


Making you My wife Castration 

It is like a dream come true! Everything you have ever wished for has come to pass. Now you live completely and totally as a Woman. Feeling so feminine ALL the time! The clothing, the make-up, corset training and oh yes the female hormones and testosterone blockers! The feeling of content that you have is like nothing you have experienced before! It is so gratifying when I introduce you as My wife especially when I tell people what a good wife you are! I have stripped away your masculinity step by step. But there is still another step….castration.

Stripping away all masculinity! #castration

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Castration ~ Happy Anniversary! Keeping you chaste and permanently frustrated has become the normal

Castration ~ Happy Anniversary! 

Keeping you chaste and permanently frustrated has become the normal for you through out our relationship. But it is our anniversary and its time to do something truly special. Something permanent. Something that I have talked about over the years. This will truly cement our relationship. Deepen it and of course deepen your devotion to Me! Over the years you have expressed and begged telling Me how you will do ANYTHING for Me and submit to ANYTHING With this procedure and ritual you will be making the ultimate sacrifice to Me and it will reflect how badly you want to be Mine ~ forever! Happy Anniversary!

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femdomfemalesupremacy: Eunuch These three files detail what will happen to you mentally and physical



These three files detail what will happen to you mentally and physically after your castration!  Let Me enlighten you as to what your life will be life as a eunuch!

YOUR LIFE AS A EUNUCH: Have you ever given thought to what it will be like once you are castrated?? Chances are you will lose muscle, gain fat, hot flashes, body hair and of course your penis shrinking!  Erections will be few and far between, if at all! That libido of yours?  Oh, it won’t be ruling your life anymore! That’s right…things are going to be very different from now on! 

GRANTING YOUR WISH TO BE A EUNUCH: : In this video I have decided that it is time to grant your wish! This desire and need to be a eunuch has been burning inside you for so very long! I know that you think of it constantly and that you crave to be gelded. Well, I have decided that you are a perfect candidate! I believe that there are men who SHOULD be emasculated and be a eunuch. YOU are one of them! 

EUNUCH THE ULTIMATE SERVANT: Just hearing Me say eunuch excites you, doesn’t it? When your emasculation is complete, that will be your new title. Not a man, not a woman. Simply a eunuch. Devoid of masculinity (and your testicles)  as well as any uncontrollable sexual desires.  I know THIS will make you the ultimate servant! Now that you are a eunuch, you will be able to focus on serving as it is meant to be. 

Becoming a eunuch 

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