#casual reblog



Ninjago & TLNM: To Be Green

Chapter Ten: Battle Plan

Some things never change.

That was one of the many things running through Lloyd’s head as he stood over a very banged up table with his palms on the map. Zane stood right next to Lloyd, Kai sat in a chair with his huge red sneakers kicked up on the table, and Cole had his head and arms resting on the table with his eyes focused on the map. Meanwhile, the loud clatter across the huge warehouse signaled that Jay and Nya were still hard at work.

After a long pause and three pairs of eyes focused on Cole, the teenager lifted his head just enough to reach his arm out and point at a heavily wooded area of Ninjago’s island. “There,” Cole said simply. “They set up their camp in this section of the island, near that small lake.”

“Great memory bro,” Kai praised as he gracefully swung his legs down and leaned over the table. “Now it’s time for my memory to kick into gear.” He narrows his eyes a little. “Their camp was surrounded by a wooden wall about a hundred bricks high. However, they used the lake as a natural barrier, and after Nya and Cole took care of the guards on that side we were able to sneak in around the outskirts of the lake. Jay took down a watch guard and then we used the shark uniforms to blend into their ranks and then boom.” Kai clapped. “Mission complete.”

Lloyd nodded, then hesitated. “How did you escape?”

“We built a flying van helicopter.” Cole answered simply. “With exterior seating.”

“And we escaped through the front door with the whole army on our tails.” Kai added.

“You lost your arm.” Zane included with a huge grin.

“So you sneaked in then had the ability- wait WHAT?” Lloyd registered what Zane had said. “I lost my WHAT?!

Zane beamed. “Your whole right arm. Do not worry, Garmadon put it back. It made quite an amusing but heartfelt scene.”




The warehouse echoed with Jay and Nya’s screams. Kai threw back his head in a groan and yelled, “GUYS!!! We are PLANNING HERE!!”

Lloyd, still a little shaken that the other him had lost then regained his arm, chucked a little. “Let the love birds be; it must be difficult rebuilding a mechanical dragon.”

Cole’s eyebrows shot up. “Love birds! Who?”


“Uh….” Lloyd raised an eyebrow of his own. “Jay and Nya? Duh?

Silence again. Then Kai bust out laughing.

“Your Jay must actually have guts then!” Kai wheezed. “The pip-squeak over there is scared of his own shadow.”

“Jay and Nya aren’t dating here?” Lloyd replied in shock.

With a smirk, Cole glanced at Kai. “I didn’t think there was a universe where Jay had a shot at dating Nya. I stand corrected.”

“13 hours.”

The planning party slowly turned to Zane. “Thirteen hours until what?” Lloyd questioned.

“No, it will take 13 hours to walk to their camp from our current location.” Zane corrected.

“Dude,” Cole coldly spat. “Why do you think Jay and Nya are repairing the Dragon Mech?”

The robot hesitated. Finally he said, “Five hours.”

“Thank you Zane,” Lloyd muttered quickly. “Now moving onto positions. They are expecting us, so we need to attack at full force. Nya will use the lake to give us an in to their base. From there; Jay, Kai and I will take the forces on the second level of the base. Zane, Cole and Nya will take care of the ground level menaces.”

“Who will go after Garmadon?” Kai asked.

Lloyd paused. Snakes!He didn’t think of that. He couldn’t risk pulling anyone, including himself, from the battlefield. But if they hold off from rescuing his da- Garmadon for too long then the shark army might just throw him into the volcano preemptively.

“We need like, two more people.” Lloyd groaned. “Who else do you all know that can join us?”

Cole and Kai’s eyes lit up at something they saw behind Lloyd. The blonde leader turned and saw two people he didn’t expect to see.

One was a warrior like he’s never seen: glistening armor from head to toe with a silver headdress holding back magma red hair. With a sword in one hand and a bow in the other, she looked as deadly but majestic as a knight straight out of history. And next to her was-

Lloyd gasped. “Master Wu!


Lloyd kept tightening and loosening his grip on his sword out of nervousness. Bank robberies were how him and his team had gotten big at first, until they began fighting full force on Lord Garmadon. This was going to be a piece of cake. But why was he so tense?

Nya’s eyes kept straight and steady on the robbers and the hostages. She narrowed her eyes and watched carefully for the-

There it was. An orange glow emitted from behind a desk where Cole and Zane were in hiding. That was the sign, even though Lloyd had no idea where the orange glow was even coming from.

“Go!” Nya hissed, and then everything turned into a blur.

There was a lot of screaming, that was for sure. Lloyd and Nya dove to protect the hostages from any attack from the criminals. Thanks to Cole and Zane, there was none.

The other major thing that caused Lloyd’s brain to do a flip was the fact that Cole’s arms were glowing lava-orange. And when he punched one of the unfortunate foes? That guy flew through a WALL.

“What the…” Lloyd muttered. He almost missed one of the robbers pull a gun on his chest.

In a quick instinctive move, Lloyd grabbed the gunman’s wrist and twisted his arm around, then using his other hand, he grabbed the back of the robber’s shirt and flipped him in the air. With a quick whack on the butt of his sword, the crook was knocked out.

“Nice move!” Nya chirped as she twirled her staff around, almost effortlessly knocking three bad guys off their feet. “You should have done that yesterday, but with your-“

There was an earsplitting bang followed with a loud smash of glass as two terrified robbers tried to make an escape out the front of the bank. They were instantly met with two flashes of bright colors- no, not colors. Storms of fire and lightning.

“KAI! JAY!” Lloyd screamed in agony. They were exploding with their elements!!! Leaving Nya behind, the green ninja leapt outside and lunged into the flames.

Heat flooded over his whole body for a split second before tackling Kai out of the whirlwind of flames. “Kai! Kai! Are you okay?!”

“What in Ninjago are you doing?” Kai wheezed back. Lloyd scrambled to his legs as Kai struggled to get air back in his lungs. “I was just - doing - Spinjitzu!”

“That’s not Spinjitzu!” Lloyd wailed. “You were completely and entirely ON FIRE!!”

Jay materialized next to Lloyd. “What’s wrong? Is Kai okay?”

“He was on fire!!” Lloyd responded, then froze. “And…you were surrounded in lightning!!”

Jay didn’t bother to respond. He simply stared back, his mouth slowly opening and shutting.

“Do you know what Spinjitzu is?” Kai narrowed his eyes as he sat up. “Can you even do it?”

Lloyd crossed his arms as the rest of the ninja climbed out of the bank and over the broken glass. “Of course I know what Spinjitzu is.” Seeing Cole, Lloyd quickly turned to him. “Hey- Cole- what were you doing with your fists? They were glowing orange.”

“Oh,” Cole almost hid his hands behind his back. “It’s some cool power I have. I dunno where they came from.”


Cole shrugged.

Lloyd blinked a few times then roughly pulled off his hood. “First a floating island, now magic fists. This place doesn’t skimp on unexplained fantasies.”

“What?” Nya squinted. “Nothing,” Lloyd waved his thoughts away. “Hey, great job everyone. Let’s uuuh…” Lloyd glanced to the sky, where it was pitch black. “Let’s grab a midnight snack. You guys know a good place?”

The blank stare reappeared. Lloyd knew that look far too well. “Geez, this other Lloyd didn’t call for celebratory snacks after a win? What a loser.”

palitaniaart: and done! still not happy a 100% but we will get there


and done! still not happy a 100% but we will get there

Post link
palitaniaart: Esben during shadowbringers! Wanted to include the light corruption more, even tho thepalitaniaart: Esben during shadowbringers! Wanted to include the light corruption more, even tho the


Esben during shadowbringers! Wanted to include the light corruption more, even tho the light hair, the wihte pupil and the cracks on his skin are gone, the light parts from his original hair color will keep the glow from the light corruption 

Post link


Player: Charlie Coyle



Summary:There’s nothing a mistletoe, a himbo brother-in-law, and a little Christmas magic can’t do!

Warnings: alcohol, smut (lemon), family dynamics, questionable mistletoe usage

Notes:i surveyed the team last week and the results came in that I can still post a Christmas fic until at least mid January (many thanks to those who said I can post it whenever I want an you will read it I love you to pieces). I wanted to get this out though tbh I am not 100% satisfied with the ending (when am I ever lets me real). I hope you all enjoy! I’m not sure what’s going to happen once I tag this post, so I apologize for potential inconveniences. I don’t normally ask this, but if you enjoyed reading this, please consider reblogging! With tags being broken it’s the only way others can see I’ve posted :)


I’ll be fine and dandy

Lord it’s like a hard candy Christmas

You hum along with Dolly, your cheek pressed against the cool leather of your sister’s couch, glass of wine cradled in your hands. The sounds of laughter and conversation almost drown out Dolly’s sweet voice, and you debate turning up the volume from your phone at the risk of getting yelled at by your sister. Sighing, you shift your weight from one butt cheek to the other, the shiny hardwood floor that you’re sitting on starting to get uncomfortable. Of course, you could get up and actually sit on the couch like a grown up, or even better, stand up and join the rest of the party, but you’re two glasses of wine in and feeling a little dramatic.

Keep reading
