#catch a falling star



@allisonpregler said on (this post): i am here for al(donza) analysis!!

Quantum Leap’s parallel running with the musical version of Man of la Mancha is interesting when considered from a character alignment perspective, as the episode Catch a Falling Star (somewhat heavy-handedly) goes out of its way to trace direct connections between Quantum Leap’s cast (Or, at least, the two regulars and the guest stars) and Man of la Mancha’s core group of characters. This parallel imagery is kept up throughout the series afterwards, but in lesser doses and more so in a manner of implication so the audience makes the connection if they remember how the show set it up for them. 

(Note that I will speak particularly on the musical adaptation Man of la Mancha. Not so much the original Don Quixote. Important distinction there. Don Quixote has been readapted so many times to frame Quixote as a noble, tragic, “never give up on your dreams” kind of hero, that the original characterization has been overshadowed. Book!Quixote is a critique of chivalrous fantasy novels, so he’s violent, self-centred, prone to destruction, and, essentially, a public menace. Aldonza/Dulcinea is virtually non-existent as an actual person, only existing as a fantasy or a briefly acknowledged individual in reality, who is described as “a notable, strong-built, sizable, sturdy, manly lass” and otherwise has little interaction with Quixote.)

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I just wanted to flex the fact that Kaeya came home twice in 6 pulls. I did shit in statistics but l

I just wanted to flex the fact that Kaeya came home twice in 6 pulls. I did shit in statistics but like what are the odds of that?!


Kaeya looks at you with a smug grin as he swishes the Merlot around in his glass. “I believe a thank is an order, (Y/N).” 

“For what, the Widsith?” You ask with a cheeky grin. 

“You know exactly what I’m talking about, you little ingrate. I don’t do this for everyone you know.” 

“I know, it’s just a shame you have terrible taste in Travelers.” You cackled. 

Raising his glass, he clinks his beverage against yours in a toast. “I’ll drink to that.” You both take a swig of your drinks and continue shit talking eachother throughout the night. 

Looks like it’s artifact farming time AGAIN….

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I’m rebranding my SAGAU works as Isekai AU because I think it falls more in that catagory. It’s much less ‘self-aware’ than I planned it to be. Whoops. I’ll keep the tags the same on my previous work but from now on it’s “isekai au.”


I’m taking requests for an actual SAGAU series called Catch a falling star, about your in-game wishing experience!

For example: I lost my 50/50 on Venti’s banner and got C2 Diluc. 

Venti didn’t mean to drink so much but the new shipment of dandillion wine just came in and he HAD to sample the new product! Stirring the liquid in his glass, he could he hear you in his mind your praying for him to come home. Sure, I’ll come over soon dear (Y/N) JUUUST one more drink. Apparently, it was one drink too many and he passed out onto the hardwood floor. Diluc peers over the bar and glares at the bard in distain. If he weren’t the Anemo Archon he would’ve banned him ages ago. Shaking his head, Diluc hears you pulling for the sloppy drunk’s banner and he shrugs his shoulders. You’ve already built him so what’s the harm of gaining another of his constellations. A gold ball of light slowly descends from the ceiling and towards Venti but feeling a little vindictive for all the times he’s left without paying his tab, the wine tycoon snatches the gold ball of light from him and presses it into his chest. He feels the familar pull of the intertwined fates and he appears in your 10 pull. His heart feels warm when you cheer for his name and is determine to show you how much stronger he’s become with his second constellation. 


If you make a request and if you feel comfortable sharing, toss in a couple facts about yourself as it will help me make it a little more personal!!
