


Hyper Hardboiled Mochi


She seems to like the stand that I made for her.


I love this fully opened paw while she’s stretching.

hi all, this is victor @disincarnation on skipper’s account. he asked me to log in to let everyone know that he’s alright, and will be going to boarding school for a few months so won’t be online for a while longer. if you have any questions about this or any messages for skipper you can dm me on my main (I won’t be logging into this account again) ♡♡♡

ok last post before i leave i think but my alter wants to ask that people tag deltarune spoilers when we get back lol

When i get depressed,

I feel sad. Bye-bye

I know i have been told that tcom was good but why did no one tell me that tcom was good.
