#caught in a storm


Infinite Storm (2022)

Trigger warnings and heavy spoiler under the cut:

There is an emotional and sad scene around 01:11 - 01:14 h where Pam has a flashback of the day when she found her two children that died of a gas leak.

Also John is suicidal and it is hinted at throughout the movie.


Whumptober 2020, Day XXVII: Extreme Weather

Content Warnings: dislocated joint, impalement, hurricane

Iesin/Talvos Taglist: @bloodandbandages,@endless-whump,@burtlederp,@whatwhumpcomments,@slaintetowhump

The people here are mild, and Iesin and Talvos have been reluctant to leave the welcome reprieve of being mostly ignored. The storms have been building, but they are manageable; they come, drenching the coastline, and then they break and the sun returns. So when the rain picks up again shortly after Iesin ventures out of the little cave they’ve been staying in to try to stock up on meat before another storm rolls in, he doesn’t turn back. He glances around, seeing low clouds piling up around him, and decides to try to fly above the storm. The clouds are gravid with rain; they’ll swing heavy and turgid over the land, and he’ll avoid the buffeting winds and sheeting water by soaring safely above it. 

Even as he decides, he’s banking, catching an updraft and then beating his wings fast and strong as it tapers out, climbing even further. The flight muscles along his back and chest stretch, and he revels in the light burn of it. He belongs to the sky; here, high above the earth, nothing can touch him, grab him, hurt him, pin him. He’s free and he’s safe, and his body exults in it. 

He’s flying inland; Iesin doesn’t see the way the clouds pile up abruptly behind him, stacking higher than any fae has ever flown, their malignant grey deepening to night-dark void. Iesin levels off, sure he’s above where he last saw the clouds, and tips into a wide looping circle, prepared to see the storm below him and clear sun above. 

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