

celestialartisan hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “It feels like there has been a spark in Lokean…”how can i tell if loki is reaching out to me? and where could i learn some background stuff about him?”

Well, ultimately that’s on you to decide in a way. 

What makes you think it could be Loki? Do you want him to reach out to you? (Even if he is not, why not go first and say hello if you’re interested in working with him?)

You could do some divination (I swear on Tarot for this) to learn more about the energy that’s reaching out to you. 

You could compare the signs you’re noticing and compare them with those that others have received from Loki (although that might differ as much as what kinda offerings he likes from different people, sooo). 

For me, it was full of mischief and posing as another deity because I wasn’t ready to accept Loki. He got jealous though because I was too dumb to understand it was him and his cries for attention got meaner. 

After I understood it was him and did some shadow working to understand why I was so against him as one of my deities and then having an open but stern heart to heart with him? All is well. And chaotic. Gods, is it chaotic at times. Anyway.

You could invite him for a little talk and try to figure out what he thinks of you and if he is actually reaching out to you. Some people do meditation for this, others use divination together with him and let him speak that way (again, to me it’s always Tarot with these kinda things). If you’re working with dreams, you could also go that route and try to get messages that way.

As for background stuff. It depends. You can read the old sagas - but as far as I remember they have been written down way after being told verbally, and with the intention of making them similiar to Christian beliefs (or at least heavily influenced by it?), so his portrayal might not be all that accurate. Can’t remember where I read that though.

There are some essays and musings both here on tumblr, different blogs, and then the nonfictional books. Like always, take every information with a grain of salt…

If you haven’t already seen it, @lokeanwelcomingcommittee offers a huge reading list and further information.
