#centenary special


I feel like an absolute heel, but no, genuinely my favourite ending for 13 would be her continuing to screw up every decision she makes, and spectacularly revealing to Yaz (and everyone) the person that she’s been trying to hide that she is this entire time. All for love.

I want her to decide she does deserve forever with Yaz. And for it to be a lovely moment with a kiss and joy and goodness… that sharply shifts into a minor key. Because we’ve had the ghost, the baby, and three of her, but we’ve yet to see her be a god. And that’s what she’ll have to be to get out of this and she knows it. Suddenly we no longer see a nice woman (and how many teeth she has), but a Bad Wolf.

I want nothing more than to see her desire to keep Yaz at the cost of everything, fundamentally put her at odds with that very person.

I want Yaz to be noble, and happiness-sacrificing, and being the hero that she believes the Doctor is, versus the reality of who the Doctor is choosing to be. Yaz who knows the Doctor isn’t a god, versus a Doctor who has decided she is. Time incarnate.

I want Yaz to save her and the universe, against her will. I want her Rosed, regenerating, regressing, and surfacing broken and furious, with a face that is definitely telling him something.

Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
