#ch scarlet witch

ch scarlet witchch scarlet witchch scarlet witch
sluttyroyals:For years I sought my father’s approval… his love. So desperately in need of a family


For years I sought my father’s approval… his love. So desperately in need of a family, of some normalcy. I became something that he wasn’t. Time and time again, I returned to that same poisoned well—expecting a different outcome. His anger terrifies me. He harbors a hatred that burns so brightly—it sears everything around it. I’m reverted to a frightened, nervous child in its presence. Desperate to calm him—to soothe the battered child within. To be the one thing in this world that he loves to change for. The demon takes hold. He’s lost to it. Doesn’t even care enough to try. Doesn’t love me enough to listen. He tried to be better for Charles. Tried for the X-Men. Never for me. Each attempt at sainthood made it all the worse. Each glimmer of hope causing all that much more pain… when, once again… he fails me.

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