#chameron ficlet




quick, someone write pining Cameron :((((

chameron??? what scenario?? i just cameron to pine for once in his life lkasjdlkasj

Pining Cameron:

Richard Cameron was a proud man. He prided himself over every single feat. His grades were amazing, his class standing and relationships to teachers was well-known, and his organization skills along with his responsible nature was thought to be enviable.

One could say Cameron was a man who had it all figured out.

But he didn’t.

Not when it came to Charlie Dalton.

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charlie, groggy from anesthesia, looks at cameron with half-lidded eyes. “heeey”

“Oh good, you’re finally awake,” cameron was the only one left since everyone went out to buy charlie some food.

charlie had the knack for literally almost dying in random physical activities. this is the nth time this month and cameron thought it’d be best to be the one to keep watch on charlie this time so Neil could get a break from always being charlie’s pseudo guardian.


“Hi charlie. do you remember what you did this time?”

“hmmmmm cat.”

“yes, you tried to save a cat from a tree. tried.”

“didnt i save her?”

“it wasn’t a cat. it was a shoe.”

“so did i save the shoe??” charlie grumbles

Cameron raises an eyebrow, he’s never really seen charlie high on anesthesia before “no you didnt, why do you think you’re in the hospital?”

then charlie starts to cry. “DAMN IT” he wept “I’m so useless! I– I can’t even save shoekind!”

Cameron sympathizes, “hey now, dont cry, you did your best!”

“Yeah but where’s the shoe cam? WHERE? did it come home to its family???? i got injured for NOTHING. now the little shoe kids wont have a mom!!”

“Charlie… dont worry the show fell after and we reunited it with pitts’ other shoe.” cameron patted charlie, trying to soothe the sniffling he emitted

Charlie crying for a minute or so before looking back at cameron. “im sorry.”

“it’s ok charlie,” cameron says, like he’s used to forgiving his roommate.

“god, this is why I love you.” charlie says as he playfully shook his head in giddiness.

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will i ever learn to keep this in the right blog?? never asldjasljkd
