#chan oneshot


Safe Haven.


Sub!Chan x reader | fluff, the tiniest bit of angst (if any)


Warnings: Chan goes into subspace and calls you mommy, that’s about it

Word count: 1 091

A/N: So, uh, yeah. I’m getting tired of reading the same sub!idol pwp smut fics, so I decided to make something of my own. I’m not really proud of it, but it’s been sitting in my drafts for so long that I just need to get it out, lol. Anyways, thank you all for your patience and support, and I hope you enjoy! ♥


I feel like Chan would often go into subspace when really stressed. A place where he could feel small, safe, and warm. Where his mind grew fuzzy, all worries escaping him at once and being replaced with nothing but you. You, his biggest support, who always helped him relax and be the vulnerable one for once. 

He very much deserved it, after all. With the long, tiring days filled with work and leading others, you knew he needed someone to help him destress as well. And you, being the perfect partner, were very willing to do so.

This wasn’t an immediate thing in your relationship, though. It took a long time for Chan to trust you completely and to talk about his problems. And it took even longer for him to start voicing his own needs and wants without feeling guilty, weak, or incompetent.

But you were patient and waited. And so, slowly, you could see Chan’s walls finally begin to break down around you.

He felt uneasy about it at first. It felt strangely wrong to be so emotionally open with someone else. But eventually, as he grew more comfortable in your relationship, Chan realized just good opening up made him feel. It was as if his heart became lighter, finally spared of carrying all of his secrets and worries on its own.

Obviously, this dynamic between you two was kept well hidden at all times. In public, you let Chan assume the usual leading role, allowing him to slip into the position he was most comfortable in around people.

Once behind closed doors, however, it was a completely different story. Almost like the flick of a switch, Chan’s demeanor flipped around, and now he was the one relying on you to soothe him after a long day, to hold him close and shush his cries after the particularly bad ones.

This eventually led to your apartment becoming a trigger of sorts. A good trigger, of course. Something that immediately put his mind at ease and slowed down all the thoughts running through his head the whole day.

But every once in a while, even that wouldn’t be enough.

The stress, the bottled-up emotions, the pressure from all sides, it just became too much for him. With the last bits of his energy, he kept up the facade just long enough to make it home, where he would finally let himself crumble into your arms, even more so than usual.

Just like now, when he finally arrived at the door to your shared apartment. It was an unusually long and tiring day today where nothing seemed to go right and took ten times longer than usual. And once he thought things couldn’t get any worse, he managed to get himself into a petty fight with Jisung over basically nothing, making him feel horrible for the rest of the day.

Frankly, at this point, he just couldn’t wait to run into your arms and melt into you. And so, with a sigh and a hint of a smile on his lips, he unlocked the door, stepping inside.

Already, as he placed his shoes next to yours on the shoe rack, his head started to feel fuzzy. Fuzzy at the idea of you waiting home for him, his very own safe haven. 

He quietly trudged down the hall, letting his feet pat on the linoleum floor as he went to wash his hands in the bathroom. While there, he stopped to look at the reflection of himself in the mirror, noticing the exhaustion and stress written all over his face. He frowned to himself, silently promising to go to bed earlier today (a promise he probably won’t be able to keep, unfortunately).

He was brought out of his thoughts by a small shuffling noise outside, feeling his heart thump in his chest as he realized it must have been you.


He was looking forward to seeing you somuch, practically dying to be in your arms once again and bask in all the love and attention you liked to shower him in.

As he gently dried his hands, he could feel himself quickly slipping into subspace. His mind clouded over even more, and each of his touches and movements became softer and slower.

Carefully, he opened the door, peaking out slightly.

“Mommy?” He called out weakly, gripping onto the sleeve of his hoodie with his free hand to keep himself grounded just a little while longer.

Getting no response, he hesitantly stepped out of the bathroom to search the apartment. As he walked around, he let both of his hands slip inside of his hoodie, making little paws for himself to warm his fingers.

But after checking the bedroom, the kitchen, the guest room, and even the bathroom again just to be sure, he still couldn’t find you.

Feeling lost, he stood in the living room, fumbling with his hands as he was unsure of what to do.

“M-mommy? Where are you?” He called out again, feeling a strange, uncomfortable feeling twisting in his chest from your unexpected absence.

You had to be home, right? He clearly saw your shoes when he was taking off his. He even saw your coat hanging by the door, didn’t he?

Maybe he should go check the entrance again, maybe-

A sudden giggle from behind startled him out of his thoughts, making him jump a bit.

He quickly turned around to look for the source of the sound, an adorable look of confusion and surprise on his face as he did so. Just then, he noticed your figure on the couch, comfortably lying under a big, fluffy blanket. When his eyes finally met yours, you gave him a small grin, chuckling lightly at his expression.

“O-oh,” was all he managed to say, turning beet red as he realized you were in plain sight the whole time, watching him wander around the apartment as he searched for you. He was already so far away in his mind, he somehow managed to completely miss you laying on the couch.

“There you go, Channie,” you smiled fondly before lifting the blanket off of you and opening your arms to him.

He didn’t need to be told anything else after that, already on his way to dive head-first into your embrace. You let out a small huff as his weight dropped onto you, but wrapped your arms around him nonetheless, letting your baby finally relax after the long day.


Thank you for reading! And remember, any feedback is always appreciated! ♥
