

It’s taken me a bit to get around to this review as I needed time for testing & use to gather my info. So here it is finally! My review of my Bad Dragon toy & experience. Sorry for the walls of text coming but i figure if this interests you you’ll want to know as much as possible before ordering.

I placed my order on July 16th, 2018 with an estimated production time of 4-5 weeks on average. I made a mistake when choosing my options for my toy, i wanted the Chance flared version and accidentally picked unflared. I contacted Bad Dragon support and they replied immediately fixing my mistake

It got to the 4th week and i requested an update just to see where my order was since the status didn’t change from processing to “in production” or anything. I got a quick reply and but couldn’t be told where exactly my order stood. I waited again and it got to week 7, i was given the same type of reply. On September 11th, 2018 my order finally shipped.8 weeks had passed at this point. I was only slightly bothered because the average wait time did not reflect what happened, so i had it set in my mind i would get it in X amount of time. I suppose fluctuating order demand is to blame so it’s understandable.

Pics finally! How the box arrived, it was nice and discreet:


Once opened. This is why I cannot stress enough to make sure you order everything exactly how you want it! I paid for my stuff, not a review gift or anything :


Packaging. There is some nice gift wrap covering everything along with a sticker & care instruction card:


The contents of my order. I bought the Chance Flared, XL size, in the Natural coloration, with split firmness soft shaft firm base. I opted for including a cum tube/pump, and cum lube:


The toy itself is in a heavy duty plastic airtight bag:


And finally the toy itself, with my armfor size comparison:


Quality: I’d say it’s very high quality although I am not a toy expert. The feel is incredible and like nothing I have owned before. Just handling it made me feel excited lol. I am happy i went with the split firmness, the toy can stand on its own and has a huge base while still remaining squishy/fleshy on the usable part. The finish of the color is great and doesn’t “bleed” onto other sections of the toy. It feels like it would hold up well, but only time will tell.

Use: This thing is HUGE! I underestimated how big it would be as I only had a rough measurement tool off of the Bad Dragon site. I tried once by myself but could not get it in although it felt close. I tried a second time with the help of a friend lol and still we couldn’t get it in me. I am small in build though at 5′4 100lbs so that really doesn’t help things. This is not a limitation of the toy it’s a personal grief. I’m sure other people could use this thing happily.

I am not displeased after all the waiting and not being able to use it. This experience helped me make better choices in my second purchase which I’ll cover in a Part 2 review. I had much better results with my second order. Feel free to leave and questions here or in my asks, I’ll do my best to answer them!
