#change your terminology and leave us alone



I could probably write an essay on the subject, but in short, something I’ve been thinking about for a while now - the problem I have with the statement “I have no issue with “kin-for-fun” people as long as they’re respectful,” which I see around now and again (and please understand I’m not vagueing anyone in particular), is that misusing ‘kin terminology to mean roleplay/relating to/projecting onto/etc. something is inherently disrespectful. It’s not possible to be kff and respectful to actual otherkin at the same time. You either respect us, or you think it’s okay to mangle our terminology to mean something it doesn’t instead of using your own words. You can’t have both.

(Obviously this is assuming the person in question has been/is being told the actual meaning and is continuing to use “kin for fun” language anyway, not someone who has no idea actual otherkin exist at all - true ignorance is another matter.)
