
Today’s going to be a good Day. #riseandgrindbitches #NeverNotWorking #TopRockerTattoo #InActi

Today’s going to be a good Day. #riseandgrindbitches #NeverNotWorking #TopRockerTattoo #InAction #WorkHard #PlayDirty #YouCantStopMeNow #ChangingLives (at Top Rocker Tattoo)

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We’ll just consider this an over-share and move on…

PS: I did my first youtube live broadcast.

#babettebombshell #changinglives #truthteller #celebrityhygiene #lifecoaching

Passive-aggressive pie: a time honored Bombshell tradition.

Happy Thanksgiving!

#babettebombshell #thanksgiving #thanksgivingrecipes #passiveaggressive #lifecoaching #givinguntilithurts #makingadifference #changinglives

Last night I had that dream again… You know the one?… It’s the one where you’re trapped in an Eccono Lodge having an awkward 6-way with Idi Amin & the Lemon Sisters… so socially uncomforatble… always inching for the door, but your fingers are so covered in lube that you can’t quite grip the door knob.

You know the one?… Right???…

#babettebombshell #celebritycharity #portraitsofcourage #selflessness #givinguntilithurts #makingadifference #changinglives

So many smiles were shared at @spookyempire this weekend… some, more toothy than others&helli

So many smiles were shared at @spookyempire this weekend… some, more toothy than others…

…Met tons of awesome people.

Photo Credit: @purple_utopia

#babettebombshell #bringingpeopletogether #philanthropy #makingadifference #changinglives #spookyempire #celebritycharity

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