


Theo’s instincts purred yet again as Dean began to posture. It was an acknowledgment of their mutual attraction, and Theo’s grip tightened on his mug when Dean’s voice pitched lower. A shiver down his spine quickly followed, and Theo hid the full effect of that pleased growl behind a stiff gulp of coffee.

The situation was almost too perfect, considering Theo would need to make excuses to NOT spend time with Dean. He is a local, has connections Theo can make money through, is incredibly hot, and hitting on him. Dean wasn’t the shifter, Theo could rule him out based on scent alone, and this was just the type of hunt that gave Theo a rare amount of leisure time. With this type of hunt he was better off laying low, finding out the best locations for the shifter’s nest, and watching for the signs of said target. If he blew his cover or gave the shifter reason to believe a hunter had shown up, Theo could lose it. Best to act natural. Plus, it’d been a while since he’d had a decent lay. With the chemistry already buzzing between them, it felt safe to say some time here, with Dean, could be far from uneventful. This could be fun. When was the last time he’d done something forfun?  

“I’d be happy to have a tour guide,” he returned Dean’s knowing smile with a playful smirk. “Hopefully you don’t mind working…after hours,” the innuendo in Theo’s tone was palpable, and it was no accident when Theo’s leg ‘accidentally’ bushed against Dean’s, “sounds like there’s a lot to see in this little town.”

Flirting was put on hold as the young waitress returned with Theo’s food, and a plate for Dean that Theo didn’t see him order. The perks of being a local. Once she disappeared back into the crowded dinning room, Theo’s soft brown eyes returned to Dean’s.

“Trust me,” Theo flashed Dean a cheeky grin, and his eyes sparkled with amusement at Dean’s puns, “I’m very good with my hands, and getting dirty is nota problem.”

Even with the many innuendos and undeniable tension buzzing between them, Theo was glad to know Dean wasn’t above making jokes. It was cute, and made the guarded parts of Theo feel a little more at ease. Yes, he wanted to find out if Dean was a ‘perfect fit’ in more ways than one, but it didn’t seem like Dean took himself too seriously.

Even when faced with an Omega he was obviously attracted to, Dean lacked the same… fake Alpha bravado Theo despised. Nothing felt worse than having a casual conversation with an Alpha and watching their posture and attitude change once they realized he was an Omega. There as always a shift in the air, and on more than one occasion an Alpha had made more direct advances, clearly trying to manipulate him through his instincts. It made him feel dirty and objectified, and if he was going to be either of those things, it would be on his terms. At the moment, he hoped it would be with Dean.

“I should probably find a place to sleep too. I can always find a way to sleep in my car, but if there’s a open bed somewhere-” your bed, Theo thought but left unsaid, “-or a motel in this town, I could use some recommendations.”

‘After hours…’  Oh, they were definitely on the same page, alright.  Dean felt his head swim a little with the sudden want at the feel of the other man’s leg brushing his own, but he put a damper on it.  Just because he hadn’t had a good fuck in over a year didn’t mean he was going to let his annoyingly insistent hormones take control.  Not only were they in public, but it was a damn good way to push any Omega away.  He needed to play things casual - show interest (obviously) but not in a ‘I won’t take no for an answer’ kind of way.

He tried not to let his grin get too big as Theo met each of his puns with equally suggestive replies.  Damn… even before he’d started using that incense Sonny gave him, Dean wasn’t sure he’d had any Omega get under his skin like this.  Food mostly forgotten, he gave a low chuckle.  “Y’know, something tells me you’re gonna be just what the farm needs.  ‘What I need…’  God… he really hoped Theo was serious and not just a massive flirt.  Dean wanted this so badly.  Wanted him.  Clearing his throat (which didn’t clear his mind) he continued, “So, I’m yours for as long as you want me.”  Which was his way of saying he’d back off if the Omega changed his mind.  “The farm’s a little outside of town.  I can give you a walking tour of Hurleyville after breakfast, then you can follow me out there.”  He shrugged, trying to play down how much he wanted their attraction to lead to more.  Paranoid of being rejected?  Him?!  Maybe just a little…

“If you like how it feels - and Sonny says you’re cool - then the farm has rooms to spare.”  Because he knew better than to just assume Theo wouldn’t want a room of his own.  “And hey - if it doesn’t work out, there’s a couple of motels… even a B&B, if that’s your thing.”  He wasn’t trying to brush their attraction off.  Hopefully it didn’t come off that way.  Dean just wanted to be as clear as he could (in public) that he wasn’t going to turn into some ‘uber-Alpha’ if things didn’t work out.  So, to soften the suggestion, he continued, “But… I really hope you decide to stay awhile.”  This time it was his turn to brush their legs together under the table.  Yeah… he could get back into the groove of this flirting thing… he hoped.


That lingering gaze and effect of his touch didn’t go unnoticed by Theo. He could practically see the gears turning in Dean’s head during the pause between Theo’s question and his response, and knowing Dean might be feeling a similar attraction made the omega in Theo purr with excitement. Instinctually, he started to present, but it quickly became intentional. He wanted to get the attention of not just Dean, but his instincts. If Dean was interested…. Theo could afford a little distraction in his down time. He couldn’t be out hunting this shifter 24/7, and he hadn’t slept with anyone in some time. That time was even longer for the last alpha he’d slept with.

Theo tilted his head slightly to expose his neck, and his bonding gland, to the other. The follow-up, way he licked his lips and smirked at Dean, was just short of sultry. He couldn’t be too obvious or he might attract unwanted attention from another alpha nearby, there were plenty in this crowded diner - Theo could smell them, and Theo definitely didn’t want to deal with that while he was here. 

He was surprised to hear Dean wasn’t a local, and his inner omega purred again knowing they had this in common. He was about to ask why Dean had stopped drifting, but that question was quickly answered. 

“I’d really appreciate you showing me around, if you didn’t mind.” He might have replied a little too quickly, there was no ignoring the fact that this was more reason to spend time with Dean, but this was Theo’s in. Even a years knowledge was more than Theo had of the area, and if his friend was a local, this could be a perfect way to learn more about his surroundings. 

“That’s what I like about little towns though, even if there isn’t much to see, there is always somethingto see. Sometimes the small things are the ones that end up being the most special. They can be the ones with the most meaning,” Theo shrugged. 

“If you know of any work in the area I’d be interested too, gotta replenish the travelling fund while I’m here,” Theo grinned, and gave Dean a knowing smile. If Dean was a drifter like him, (notexactly like him, being a hunter made things a little different than someone just going from town to town) Theo figured he’d understand the struggle.

There was nothing subtle about the way Theo tilted his neck… exposing himself so perfectly - not to Dean, at least.  And that smirk!  The former Hunter’s reactions were almost instinctual.  He felt himself fixing his posture, sitting up straighter, and leaning towards the other man over the table.  Briefly he wondered if this was an indication he needed to up the dose on his suppressants, but at the moment he didn’t really care, and made no move to hide or minimize how his instincts were reacting.  Why should he?  It’d been too long since he’d had anyone in his bed.  And as long as Theo encouraged him, why try to stop it?

When he spoke, Dean noticed his tone had gone deeper, too, and carried the hint of a pleased growl.  “I’m happy to take you anywhere you want to go - there’s an outdoor market, and one of those retro drive-ins, a history museum…”  My bed.  Those last two words never left his mouth, but as he thought them, the Alpha bit at his lower lip and allowed a knowing grin to settle on his features.

“As for cash… I might know a place.  The guy I work for is always looking for an extra person to help around the farm.  If you’re good with your hands and don’t mind getting dirty… I’m sure you’d be a perfect fit.”  His flirting game felt a little off - or maybe forced.  It’d been a long time, dammit!  But hopefully Theo wouldn’t hold a few weak puns against him - not when the energy between them was practically raising the hairs on his arms.


Shifter in the Night

Theo had his nose buried in his mug when the waitress finally returned, and when he looked up to lock eyes with his new breakfast companion, he hoped the surprise he felt did not show so clearly on his face. 

The man beside the little waitress was built in a way that made Theo (in a wildly inappropriate way for a man Theo only just looked at) wonder what he looked like beneath his clothes. The clothes suggested he might have a job that required a lot of activity, and needed to be sturdy, perhaps a farm hand. But Theo was drawn most to those beautifully deep, dark brown eyes, and a jaw line that Theo wanted to nuzzle right into. 

His cheeks flushed at such a sudden, childish thought accompanied by the inappropriate ones, like he was some teenage omega again with hormones barely budding over such base desires. Nuzzling like that was a submissive gesture that he hadn’t wanted to do to someone in years- and here he was- day dreaming like this over an alpha he’d seen for all of two seconds. 

At first Theo second guessed his first assumption, his first hope hope??? why was he hoping that this man was an alpha because of his smell. Even in this crowded place Theo’s sensitive nose could pick something out, but it was subdued, laced with something else meant to mask it. 

Suppressants, Theo suddenly thought to himself, and that desire to nuzzle into the other grew. He was sure he’d be able to identify that smell if he was just closer… he’d be able to confirm the other was an alpha, and satiate the sudden itch he felt at the pit of his stomach to make sure. 

Make sure? and suddenly, The came back to himself. 

“Hey there,” Theo replied, hoping he hadn’t left too much of a pause between the other’s greeting and his own. He was working. He was on a job, and he needed to focus. He couldn’t let himself get distracted, despite the distraction being… very nice to look at. Despite the fact that an alpha hadn’t attracted his attention in what felt like forever. If this man was an alpha of course, but Theo couldn’t think of any other explanation for this sudden, very intense attraction. Even without a full, vibrant scent, Theo felt pulled towards the other. 

“No worries, I figured it might not hurt to talk to someone who knows the town. No better way to do that than over breakfast!” Theo nodded to the coffee cup with a grin. “I also figured if you didn’t want the coffee, I’d drink it for you. I’m glad my guess was the right one tho, and I can see why you’re jonesing for it.” 

Theo felt something melt in his chest at that smile, and he briefly wondered what those lips might feel like against his own. Then he blinked and internally slapped himself. Focus! He wasn’t supposed to get his heat for a few more weeks, but maybe he should start taking his suppressants if he was reacting like this to someone. But why was he reacting like this to someone? He only took his suppressants when he thought his heat might overlap with a job, but… he couldn’t really afford a distraction with a shifter in town.

“Uh- yeah, just got in this morning,” he reached up to rub at the back of his neck and looked a little sheepish as he did so. “I’m a little bit of a drifter, I don’t like to stay in one place for too long, and I just kinda- stop when I get tired of driving, and stay at that place for a while before I start to get the itch again. This little place is my next stop it seems.” 

He tilted his head and smiled as Dean offered his hand. A little twinge of excitement gripped his chest, and he was again overcome with how foolish of a reaction it was for such a simple touch. 

Theo reached out to shake Dean’s hand firmly, but he didn’t pull his hand away like one normally would after about a second of contact. His hand lingered, and he risked a subtle touch to the inside of Dean’s wrist. He could slap himself again, 

“I’m Theo. You born and raised here, or a settler?”

Dean’s eyes followed the other man’s hand as he talked, watching the way he rubbed his neck… gaze tracing the line of lean muscle…  mind wondering what it would be like to drag his teeth…  With more willpower than he thought he had, Dean tore his gaze away to focus on his coffee.  Staring the guy down WAS NOT a good way to kick things off.  He could count on one hand the number of Omegas he’d met that liked being intensely stared at by strange Alphas.  He needed to be cool… regardless of how the other was making him feel.

Instead, Dean tried to focus on the words being said - a guy who knew a good cup of coffee, a drifter who liked to travel.  Yeah, he got that.  Paying attention was going pretty well… until their handshake.  Until that hand lingered in his…fingertips brushing the inside of his wrist, sending a jolt of want to all the right places.  (Or was it the wrong ones?)  He tried to tell himself he’d imagined it… but the place where Theo’s fingers had been seemed to throb warmly.  Hell… Dean had just about decided it didn’t matter what Theo was… he wanted him regardless.  How long had it been since he’d…?  


He’d been asked a question.

“Uh… settler, actually.  Most of my life was spent on the road.  Like you, I guess.”  He flashed a smile, glad he’d been able to so quickly work in the fact they had something in common.  “Bout a year ago…”  He cleared his throat, took a gulp of coffee - trying NOT to think about Sam - then kept going.  “…things changed.  Friend of mine offered me a job and a place to stay, so here I am.  I’m probably not as knowledgeable as some of the locals… but I’d be happy to tell you what I can… maybe show you around?”  Because he absolutely needed more time with this guy!  Omega or not.  “Not that there’s much to see, “ he admitted with an almost sheepish chuckle.

He thought about offering work, too… but that seemed like it might be too much so soon.  If Theo brought up the topic, Dean could suggest the farm.  But for all he knew, this guy had plenty of money and just drifted for the fun of it.  Better to wait.  To not force things.
