#chanukah art

For the past two years I have done daily lighting-the-candles Hanukkah drawings with these cute wood

For the past two years I have done daily lighting-the-candles Hanukkah drawings with these cute woodland friends. This year I can only manage the one, but I’m so glad to share at least this with everyone! I hope I can add a little light <3 

[image description: Pen drawing of a nine woodland creatures in old-fashioned European clothing gathered around  menorah, as seen from outside a cozy cottage window. Snow falls outside the window, and on the windowsill there is a plate of latkes, a plate of sufganiyot, and two pots with spoons in them. On the left of the image the animals are a red squirrel, a robin, a shrew, a frog, and a hedgehog. The the right, the other side of the menorah, a mouse with a shawl holding an empty candle box, an owl and mole who both have big round glasses, and a crow wearing a green bandana.]  

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