



These are the songs that have inspired this story:

“Fields of Gold” has become one of my favorite AU fics of all time, and I admit I’ve been listening to the Sting song quite often since the story began.  If I could live inside any fic, maybe it would be this one.  I want to see Invernalia for myself.  Listening to this music makes me feel like I’m a little closer to being there.

chaouenmadrid: So, as promised, I’m finally doing my first giveaway ever for my fandom friends. SQUE


So, as promised, I’m finally doing my first giveaway ever for my fandom friends. SQUEEEEEE!!

Why Am I doing this?

Because I’m a nerd, basically. I just want to share something I loved to create. 

What can you win?

I’m giving away 2 printed copies of our Sansan illustrated fanfic Ink & Roses. 

BooktrailerArchiveofourown-Illustrated version-The book-Where to buy it

Do you want one? Go read the info after the cut ;-)

Keep reading

Everyone, as one of its not-so-humble co-authors, I can tell you that this book looks incredible and I’m extremely proud to have my name attached to it.  Please check this out.  Chaouen is generously giving away two copies of the printed edition.  If you win, you can add a little more SanSan to your bookshelf, and perhaps a little more joy to your life.  ;)  It’s a good thing!

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chaouenmadrid: Look what came today, SQUEEEEE!!! The printed version of Ink & Roses, my first rechaouenmadrid: Look what came today, SQUEEEEE!!! The printed version of Ink & Roses, my first rechaouenmadrid: Look what came today, SQUEEEEE!!! The printed version of Ink & Roses, my first re


Look what came today, SQUEEEEE!!! The printed version of Ink & Roses, my first real book. I was so excited that I almost shed a tear ;-) It really looks GORGEOUS. Rosie’s illustrations look great in paper, they are just perfect.

Do you like how it looks? Stay tuned because soon I’m giving away TWO books for fandom friends who follow me (so go follow me LOL!). I’ll make a post about it soon;-)

PS: I’m the only one who loves the smell of a brand new book? Uuuummm…

THEY LOOK AMAZING.  Honestly, this is the fulfillment of a dream.  I can’t wait for mine to arrive.  <3

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chaouenmadrid: chaouenmadrid:Ink & Roses An illustrated novella for the pairing of Sansa Stark



Ink & Roses

An illustrated novella for the pairing of Sansa Stark and Sandor Clegane.

A series of letters between Sandor Clegane and the Lady of Winterfell across the Seven Kingdoms.

“When you arrive, how shall I speak to you, after all I have shared on these pages… ?  Ah, you must forgive these last few lines, it is as if a strange madness has overtaken me and my ink spills forth such senseless scribblings…”

Authors:@chaouenmadrid and@kitamere


Length: 18,000 words. Canon compliant, set after AFFC.



Click on this emagazine link to read (orient your device to landscape). You can also download it in .pdf

It has taken us almost 2 years to finish this project, but it’s finally here!. Kit and I always imagined this story as and illustrated fanfic and now it’s time to share it with the Sansan Fandom. Special thanks to Rosaria, @metalshell for bringing to life our beloved characters and for her friendship during this journey. We owe so much! 

We hope you like it as much as we do, because we are kind of proud of it!

Please, share if you liked it :)

PS: Anyone interested in a printed copy, please send me a message ;-)

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all your nice comments and for sharing this work, it means the world to us. Hope you liked it :)

Thank you, everyone!  It was a truly wonderful experience for me to work on this project with @chaouenmadrid and I’ve just been absolutely blown away by the positive response this has received.  So, so happy to finally share it with you all.  Thank you for all your kind words.

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Booktrailer for our next project: The illustrated version of our fanfic Ink & Roses .



Coming on March 2017

Working on this project with @chaouenmadrid has meant so much to me.  The work she has put into turning our little fanfic into a published novella has been inspiring.  I can’t wait for you all to see how great it looks!  Please look forward to it!
