#chapbook press


Barrelhouse15,RIOTS, is now available for pre-order. I’m honored to have my poem “89 Fires,” which examines media double-standards regarding rioting in white communities vs. communities of color, included in the issue. 


Also available for pre-order is Tree Light Books’ first chapbook of 2016, J. Scott Brownlee’sOn the Occasion of the Last Old Camp Meeting in Llano County


Michelle Bitting says of the chapbook: “This is a loving and mournful meditation, at once ode and elegy, and the everyday, in-between realities miraculously lived through.”

D.M. Aderibigbe says: “[T]he world suddenly ceases, and the only things moving are Brownlee’s lines.”

If you place your order before March 1, you’ll be taking advantage of our pre-order discount, and wouldn’t that be thrifty.
