#chapter 5 is ready


Chapter 5 of the Hidden Sanctum is finished, and you can play it now in the Alpha Build.

I’ve just uploaded the last bits of Chapter 5, and the whole thing is about 36.000 words long, which is about twice as long as I wanted it to be. This was supposed to be the shortest chapter… :)

The Hidden Sanctum is also over 250.000 words long, which (for me, personally) is a pretty big achievement.

We have five more chapters to go, but—in terms of story structure—we’ve already moved past the mid-point. This means that your MCs will be going from being reactive to proactive, and that might (well, it actually should) be quite exciting!

As always, there’s some new content on Patreon (a new post about the Sanctum’s teachers!), and you’re absolutely welcome to join us there. That’s also where you can get access to the Alpha Build!

And now…It’s time to start working on Chapter 6!

