#character biography



April’s Character of the Month is Maedhros! To this point, Maedhros’s only biography on the site was created for the Seven in ‘07 event almost fifteen years ago. @heartofoshunhas taken on the formidable task of writing the biography of the SWG’s most popular character. The biography will be a two-part article, with the first part covering Maedhros’s early life and the various influences that shaped the leader he would become in Beleriand. You can read the first part of Oshun’s biography of Maedhros here: https://www.silmarillionwritersguild.org/node/5455

(Note that Tumblr messes up our links so that they frequently return a Page Not Found error, so you may need to copy and paste the link above.)

My friend and longtime collaborator @heartofoshun wrote this! She’s written over one hundred character biographies for the SWG, and I feel like all of them have been warm-ups for this one about one of her (and my) absolute favorite characters. It’s a two-parter, so please check out Part 1 and let her know if you appreciate her work!
