#character line up

So this month my Patron’s voted for this month’s Twisted Fairy Tale theme from a list of my previous

So this month my Patron’s voted for this month’s Twisted Fairy Tale theme from a list of my previous Twisted Fairy Tales and the chosen Fairy Tale is…..

Little Red Riding Hood + Day of the Dead = Twisted Little Red Riding Hood

…and this is the updated character line up for these characters.

To lend your support and/or see behind the scene process work and/or get this month’s Patreon rewards join my Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/jmadorran

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Took a much needed vacation to Cancun a couple of days ago. It was the break I needed to step back f

Took a much needed vacation to Cancun a couple of days ago. It was the break I needed to step back from art and just vegetate on the beach. While I wasn’t drawing I was totally being inspired by the different people and new sights I was seeing. So once I got back I tried to draw a couple of the people I saw as characters. I could spend the whole month drawing all the people I saw as characters but nope it’s time to get back to work with this months new chosen Patreon twisted fairy tale. Which by the way is….

Cupid and Psyche + Hollywood Glamour = Twisted Cupid and Psyche

To lend your support and/or see behind the scene process work and/or get this month’s Patreon rewards join my Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/jmadorran

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Various character initially made for a Fantasy project I’ve been working on that I wanted to s

Various character initially made for a Fantasy project I’ve been working on that I wanted to share.
I’m kinda proud of the results, most of them are made with a specific theme in mind. I don’t think all of them belong in the same universe, but it was really interesting to make.

In short, we have :

A small kid Goblin, an engineer Goblin, a little bot, A magician, an apocalypse warrior, a Dark Skeleton lord, a dwarf knight.
A small alien, an astronaut guy, a Croc with googles, a dark Magician, a dwarf traveller, and a Cyclops Warrior.

( Click for higher quality ! )

Artwork and Character made by me.Do not use theses design.

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