#character lynelda aerouant



In the source link below, you can find 426gifs of Anya Chalotra asYenneferin the second season of the tv show The Witcher (2021). All of these gifs were capped and coloured by yours truly. Anya is British-Indian. 



CONTENT WARNING: tied up, wounds, sword to the throat, eating and drinking

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Random spawn ideas: Lynelda Aerouant

Why, what could a simple barmaid do against such a strong, powerful king? Turn his people against him? That, your majesty,would be entirely up to you.

Born to a dying mother and a father who was never there, Lynelda clawed her way from her dishonorable birth up to a position of relative comfort by working in the taverns, a job that most would turn their noses up at and one that required delicate maneuvering in order to protect herself, as she learned from others’ experience. Now, Lynelda tries her best to balance maintaining a healthy relationship with her adopted son, her job as a barmaid, and keeping up with a certain manservant named Merlin when he comes to the tavern; but as the years go by and odd signs start popping up more and more often around Lynelda, she can’t help but wonder – what exactly happened to her father?


A/N: Surprise! Another oc, this time inspired by me binging the entire Merlin series in one go bc my graduation’s almost here and I think I’m allowed to have a good week of binging shows xD I’m really excited to get this going bc I made Lynelda before I brushed up on the show, so there’s barely any elements of the original characters in her backstory and I get to decide EVERYTHING, MUAHAHAHAHA

Merlin’s taglist would be the “there can be no place for magic in Camelot” taglist, so shoot me an ask if you’re interested in being on it!!

Taglist:@arrthurpendragon@ocappreciationtag@ocs-supporting-ocs@eleanorstulip@raith-way— want to be added? Shoot me an ask!



Also Called: Elda, Lyne, Princess, Dragonborn, Aerouant, Strigri, Aerouant Strigri

Gender: Cis female

Birthdate:August 19, year unknown


Height:5’9”, or 176 cm

Weight: 121 lbs, or 54 kgs

Species: Dragonborn, Witch

Sexual Orientation: Biromantic heterosexual

Significant Other: Merlin


Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Curly, reaches the middle of her back, usually down but will pull it into an updo when needed

Eye Color: Brown; pupils turn into stilts and eye color changes to purple when using magic

Skin Color:Brown 

Attire: Usually wears dresses with dark, bluish colors but wears tunics when accompanying Arthur out into the woods

Body Quirks: Her heart is on the right side of her body, has a birthmark on her lower back, is impervious to fire (she can’t be burned), is extremely hard to hurt (her skin is practically iron )

Face Claim: Anya Chalotra as Yennefer of Vengerberg


MBTI: ENFP (The Campaigner)

Four Temperaments: Sanguine

Positive Traits: Charismatic, intelligent, outgoing, compassionate, protective, honest, selfless, gentle, perceptive, good at communication, calculating

Negative Traits: Restless, stubborn, emotional, disorganized, private, people-pleasing, judgemental, reckless, non-confrontational, prone to overthinking, self-deprecating

Likes: Tea, fire, adventures, magic, dragons, foxgloves, the sun, dancing, riding, learning

Dislikes: Snow, rain, nosiness, shallowness, insincerity, broken promises, harmful gossip, the ban on magic, sewing, fighting


Magic of the Old Religion: One of the most powerful and most overlooked in the world of magic, Lynelda had shown incredible talent since birth, proven when she mastered elemental perfectly with no training nor help when she was a toddler; and though magic was forbidden in Camelot, Lynelda was still able to hone her powers by reading folktales and old songs, and by the age of 13, Lynelda could do simple spells with ease.

As a girl with no rank or station, Lynelda had to think of creative ways in order to learn more magic, eventually, she stumbled upon Mary and Thomas Collins practicing magic, and offered to keep their secret in exchange for teaching her as well; Lynelda improved fast under Mary’s tutelage, learning transformation spells, teleportation spells, and many others. At 16, she was already an extremely powerful witch, albeit an unknown one.

With her instructor gone and mounting pressure on all sides, Lynelda had to put her magic aside to work, but still found the time to master abilities like healing, which were put to test when Nimueh’s Afanc poisoned the water supply, Lynelda used magic to heal those closest to her but did not broadcast their recoveries, as she had seen what Uther did to those who use magic, even for good. Lynelda is also very good at detecting magic, like when she noticed Nimuh spying on them with her powers and used an illusion spell to hide the recovered patients from her eye, preventing Nimuh from discovering her and blocking her probing voice from her and the minds of her friends.

As with most magic users, Lynelda’s powers are particularly heightened when emotional, so to prevent her magic from being discovered, Lynelda placed a numbing spell on herself, dulling her feelings and slowing her reactions. She broke the spell when she revealed herself as a witch to Merlin, and her spells became even more effective, an example being when she intended to create a small campfire but ended up nearly burning the entire forest down, and when she tried to cast a draught of water to extinguish the flames but summoned a rainstorm instead.

Dragonlord Magic: The daughter of a dragonlord and a transformed dragon, Lynelda has the powers of both dragons and dragonlord, including being impervious to most weapons, shapeshifting, using fire as an extension of herself,  breathing fire on weapons to give them great power, breathing on a person to heal them, and talking to all kinds of animals; however, Lynelda can’t command dragons to do her will, nor can she lie – both drawbacks of being half dragon

Magical Combat: Lynelda doesn’t have much experience in fighting and excelled more in undercover work, but she’s still able to hold her own against powerful beings like Morgana and Mordred and indirectly bring down Nimuh’s downfall; Lynelda often utilizes changing between forms to avoid hits during combat, wearing down her opponent before delivering her strike, and sometimes uses poison to weaken her enemy.

Magical Resilience & Immortality: With her dragon ancestry, it’s almost impossible to land a blow on Lynelda, the only way to injure her was through poison or sickness, and even then Lynelda could recover from it easily. This is proven when Lynelda easily recovered from a Dorocha attack with only a quip about the creatures being freezing to the touch during the creatures’ rampage.

Being a mix of human and dragon, it is unknown how long Lynelda would live and how she would age, this is a question which answer can only be found with time.

Healing: Aside from magical healing, Lynelda is also good at non-magic healing; evidenced by the people coming to her when their ailments were too little to bother Gaius with and when they didn’t have the money to go to a physician.

Stealth: Coupled with additional aid from her powers, Lynelda could walk through a bustling castle and not be discovered. Examples include the numerous times she eavesdropped on people, the time she slipped poison into Morgana’s drink without being found before or after the event, and the time she dropped into Uther’s chambers to threaten him.

Public Opinion: Lynelda is one of the most beloved persons in Camelot, some even calling her “Princess” to symbolize her outspokenness against unfairness, like a princess of the people; she frequently uses it as a bargaining chip when faced with Uther’s threats, and can and will twist the narrative to gain sympathy from the crowd if she needed to.


Lynelda, who was named Elda by her mother, came into the world with her skin burning to the touch; her mother died giving birth to her, and Elda was given to a family to foster until her kin arrived from Ealdor to take her away.

Elda had a lot of freedom as a kid, as her uncle and aunt were too busy with their own kids to pay much attention to her, as such, Elda had to amuse herself, and one of the ways she did it was through her magic. One day, Elda was making tendrils of fire swirl around her head when a gasp from a little boy, about the same age as her, alerted her to his presence; luckily, the boy didn’t tell anyone else, and instead showed her his own magic, which manifested in his eyes glowing yellow, unlike Elda’s purple. The boy’s name was Merlin, and he was born with magic like her.

Merlin and Elda would continue to meet in secret until Elda was ten, which was when her uncle decided she was old enough to offer as a servant to Duke Garelf’s house; Elda didn’t get a chance to say goodbye as she was bundled into a carriage and quickly borne away, leaving Merlin alone in Ealdor. 

Elda was treated very harshly in the noble’s house, with her having no family that would speak up for her, the sons of Duke Garelf would constantly abuse her, and when Prince Arthur came around, he would laugh at her too, Elda quietly took their abuse, but she never forgave, and she never forgot. 

During her servitude, Elda often heard voices in her sleep, but because they called for an Aerouant Strigri, Elda paid no heed to them, certain that they were just dreams; when ordered to deliver a package to Arthur one day, Elda somehow found herself in the dungeons, which were surprisingly easy to walk in, all things considered, and as she walked deeper into the dungeon she came across… a dragon?!

The Great Dragon, to be specific, Elda had heard tales of it but never had she thought that the story was real, or the dragon was still alive. The dragon, called Kilgharrah, simply took one look at her and swooped her up to a cliff on the opposite side of the cavern. 

“Strigri,” The dragon said, eyes gleaming. “I‘ve been waiting for you.”

After several questions, many shouts for help, and a minor breakdown, Elda eventually learned that she was a Dragonborn, a being with both dragon and human blood in her veins; as such, she had a dragon name as well, and that was Strigri. 

Elda took in the information with a shake of her head, demanding to be let go, Kilgharrah heaved a sigh that blew out a stream of flames, but Elda was not burnt; her clothes, on the other hand…

“What the — how?” Elda’s mouth fell open as she stared at her unscathed arms, still warm from the fire. 

“Your dragon blood, cousin.”

Elda ran away that day, delivering the package and enduring the subsequent scolding with unfocused eyes; and the next day, she was at the mouth of the cavern again. 

“I got some food for you; you can eat raw meat, right?”

Kilgharrah’s jaws widened in some form of a smile.

Elda studied the art of changing forms under Kilgharrah, and as she learned it, a plan for an escape started to form in her mind. 

When she was 13, Elda made a run for freedom, upon being cornered, she chose to jump down the balcony she was in and was presumed dead, but she actually just used an illusioned decoy to fake her death. For the first time in 3 years, Elda, whose name was now Lynelda, was finally free. 

Lynelda found work in the tavern, slowly gaining rank to become one of the tavern’s best workers, and between her work, socializing with the people in the lower parts of the city, and avoiding the higher parts like the plague, Lynelda found a tutor to educate herself in magic, Mary Collins; Lynelda also made several friends during this time, one of them being an older girl named Tese, Tessa to her friends. 

Lynelda was sixteen when tragedy struck in the form of Tese dying; the girl had been in a secret relationship with a noble’s son and got herself pregnant, her baby was born prematurely and it was only through the combined efforts of Gaius and Lynelda’s unconscious magic that Tese’s son wasn’t stillborn; Tese was not so lucky. 

Lynelda refused to let Tese’s son, named Kidan by his mother’s dying breath, be adopted; Lynelda raised him herself with the help of the kind mothers whom Lynelda had helped in the past, and life seemed to return to normal, with the addition of one crying baby and a Tese-shaped hole in Lynelda’s life. 

It was only until when Lynelda was walking back from the market, eyes carefully looking down to avoid eye contact with any nobles; suddenly, a sharp voice made Lynelda look up, watching as a boy told off Prince Arthur for using his servant as a target. 

The boy with his arm pinned behind him by the bully prince was her old childhood friend, Merlin. 

Only, Merlin wouldn’t recognize her, not with her name change and her growing beyond the little girl she was.

Or does he?


A/N:Finally finished this monster! Which part do you think took me the longest? Hint: it’s definitely not the writing part.

If you managed to read this whole thing, you get a moodboard or manip of your choice! Just shoot me an ask with the characters you want and the password, which would be Camelot.

Thank you so much for reading this!! Maybe consider getting added to my Merlin taglist so you can get updates immediately? I’m always open to chat about ocs btw!!

Taglist:@arrthurpendragon@ocappreciationtag@ocs-supporting-ocs@eleanorstulip@raith-way— want to be added? Shoot me an ask!

Introducing:Lynelda/Merlin (Lynelin) in Pyrogenous

“Merlin, time to wake up.”

“Five more minutes…”

“Don’t even think about it.”


When a girl with no connections nor money trips upon a boy with none of those things as well, they didn’t think much of it; poverty and obscurity were common after all. But when the two see each other again, with the boy chained to the stocks and getting rotten tomatoes thrown at him and the girl, now a surrogate mother, gently wiping some of the vegetables off his face, neither of them called out in recognition; the boy only reached out to wrap his arms around the girl’s waist in his sleep, and the girl racked her brains in vain for a single similarity between the blurry memory of a smiling child magicking flowers into a flower crown to place on her hair, to the shirtless boy asleep in her bed. And as the world grows darker with the rise of evil forces, the boy and the girl might just have to break their agreement and learn to trust each other once more…


“Princess, I –”

“Save it until after this is over, I’ll be waiting.”


A/N:did I notice the engagement ratio with the first post about Lynelda? Yes.

Will I take the hint? Fuck no.

Taglist:@arrthurpendragon@ocappreciationtag@ocs-supporting-ocs@eleanorstulip@raith-way— want to be added? Shoot me an ask!


Random spawn ideas: Lynelda Aerouant

Why, what could a simple barmaid do against such a strong, powerful king? Turn his people against him? That, your majesty,would be entirely up to you.

Born to a dying mother and a father who was never there, Lynelda clawed her way from her dishonorable birth up to a position of relative comfort by working in the taverns, a job that most would turn their noses up at and one that required delicate maneuvering in order to protect herself, as she learned from others’ experience. Now, Lynelda tries her best to balance maintaining a healthy relationship with her adopted son, her job as a barmaid, and keeping up with a certain manservant named Merlin when he comes to the tavern; but as the years go by and odd signs start popping up more and more often around Lynelda, she can’t help but wonder – what exactly happened to her father?

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