#character types




out of curiosity, does everyone have a certain type of character they get attached to or are urs random

I spent a solid week trying to figure out what Lucretia Adventurezone and Stede Bonnet had in common. (there’s some earlier obsessions that are probably worth examining at some point)

And y'all the moment when I hit on “strong sense of responsibility” and “doesn’t think that other people will listen to them”


(on a less “and then I talked to my therapist about it” note, I do appreciate a weird sense of humor and a dramatic sense of style)

I KNOW I do. In HS it was the sexy bishonen type (Kurama, Yuki, etc) and now I think it’s evolved to where I love, like… exasperated characters. The straight man (who’s never straight, not always a man) who puts up with shenanigans.

Also tragic backstory and self-hate. That seems to be a theme. Hm.
