#charles whitman


I just listened to a video about Charles Whitman (mass murderer in Austin, Texas in 1966) and it ended with a “doctor” pointing something out that showed up in his brain during an autopsy and concluded that it was a tumor (even though it was never actually confirmed to be a tumor) and said that that’s what caused the mass shooting.

Actual doctors pointed out that just because there’s something there, that doesn’t mean that it’s a tumor, and that if there was something wrong in that area he would have done the attack impulsively. But he didn’t- he wrote notes explaining why he did what he did before he did them. He knew exactly what he was doing every second he was doing it.

So the stupid “mental illness” bullshit that people spouted was probably originated from some quack in 1966.

And for some reason, knowing the possible origins of the “mental illness” “““argument”““ makes me feel a little bit better. Maybe it’s because I now have more than just “everywhere else in the world has mental illness…” to say whenever some gun nut dumbass tries using it.

I’d say what the video is but I’m afraid that “people with brain tumors” would go after the person.

Edit: I forgot to explain that the quack saw something in the picturesof the autopsies. He wasn’t part of the autopsy himself.
