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A few announcements from the Official 2021 Dashcon Staff

  1. After some deliberation, we have decided that our Tumblr Prom is BACK ON!!!!!!
  2. Vote here for which K-Pop group you’d like to see as our headlining performance!
  3. Due to lack of interest, we’ve decided that instead of charging an entry fee, Dashcon Attendees will actually be paid to attend Jensen Ackles’ scheduled acting lessons in Conference Room 3 (just past the Super Hell/ball pit room).
  4. The 2021 Dashcon will officially be a terf-free zone, except for our designated terf ballroom, in which everyone but the terfs will be given paintball guns, and the terfs will all be wearing facemasks with little targets on them.
  5. We are selling Official “Currently Peeing in the Dashcon Ball Pit” face masks here!!!!
  6. And lastly, the “Parody Accounts: Tumblr, Trolling, and You” panel has been renamed “Parody Accounts: How Much More Obvious Do I Need to Get” for the time being.

Donatehere to make the 2021 Dashcon the best one yet!!!!
