


Leave Unsaid Unspoken

A/N: This is the last of the requests I got when I put out the call. My brain went a weird way as it does, and this is the result. Special thanks to @idreamofhazeleyesand@negans-lucille-tblr for the beta help!!

Prompt: (from@fandomoniumflurry) “Chestervelle - baby daddy." 

Summary: They don’t talk about it.

Pairing: Sam x Jo, Dean x Jo

Warnings: I will put warnings in the tags because they will be spoilers. This is angsty as hell, though.

Word count: 958 words

They didn’t talk about it when Dean threw scissors, letting Sam win the battle for who got to share the massive king-sized bed with Jo. Maybe Sam hadn’t figured out that Dean always throws scissors when he’s willing to lose. Or maybe he had and just didn’t want to look at it too closely. Either way, the whole thing had been performance. All three of them could have slept in the thing without touching each other, it was that big, but Dean refused to jam himself into Jo’s space. Sleeping next to her was just a bad idea all around. Taking the loss would mean privacy, too. No worries about who might notice where his eyes rested if there was no one to rest them on and no one to notice. Besides, Sam would probably complain endlessly about his Gigantor body being stuck in either the teeny loveseat or ultra-modern, kind of stiff recliner. Better for Dean to take the hit.

They didn’t talk about it the next morning when they all looked the worse for wear because no one got much sleep. Sam and Jo had a certain glow about them, of course, but Dean was just miserable and muttered something about noise-canceling headphones if this was going to be a regular thing between the two of them and went out for breakfast. He kept the ache in his chest to himself, knowing that Jo chose the better brother. He stood by his decision. He didn’t even bitch about his sore back and achy knees.

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Oh that ending hurt. I fucking love it!
