#chidren of divorce


A Farewell to Arms (1932, Frank Borzage)

Awaara (1951, Raj Kapoor)

Blood on the Moon (1948, Robert Wise)

Children of Divorce (1927, Josef von Sternberg & Frank Lloyd)

Cocktail (1988, Roger Donaldson)

Delinquent Girl Boss: Worthless to Confess (1971, Kazuhiko Yamaguchi)

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020, David Dobkin)

Girlhood (2014, Céline Sciamma)

Gun Crazy (1950, Joseph H. Lewis)

Guys and Dolls (1955, Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
Holiday (1938, George Cukor)

Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (1970, Elio Petri)

Olivia (1951, Jacqueline Audry)

Permission (2017, Brian Crano)

Rancho Notorious (1952, Fritz Lang)

Stromboli (1950, Roberto Rossellini)

The Cremator (1969, Juraj Herz)

The Eagle and the Hawk (1933, Stuart Walker)

The Handmaid’s Tale (1990, Volker Schlöndorff)

The Misfits (1960, John Huston)

The Scarlet Letter (1926, Victor Sjöström)

Vampyr (1932, Carl Theodor Dreyer)

Walk on the Wild Side (1962, Edward Dmytryk)
