#childe fanfic


Slipping Through My Fingers

Summary:Just a simple headcannon about him being a parent with you

Fandom:Genshin Impact

Character:Childe (your daughter’s name is Stella :3)

Genre:fluff + modern AU!

f reader!

Warnings: self indulgent, slight angst

(A/N: i’m back~! i’ve been facing with writers block for a past couple of weeks and I’m sorryy.. I made this on my finals, please don’t let this flop.. TwT.. I hope you all enjoyed it! request are opened :D)


Now playing:Slipping Through My Fingers - ABBA

(hearing the song while reading this will improve the experience)


“Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning. Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile”

  • Every morning, Childe would wake up your daughter while you prepare the breakfast
  • “Darling.. wake up.. it’s time for school..” he coos ever so softly
  • Once Stella woke up, he help him get ready, do her hair, and wear her uniform :3
  • Stella then run to the kitchen where you are, “Mommy~” she hugs your leg
  • “Oh? good morning, dear.. breakfast is almost ready~” you said to her and she sat on the table
  • Childe watched her, she reminds him so much of you
  • How she smiles, how giggly she is and how bright she is.. it reminds him of you
  • “Daddy, come eat together-!” she called, he then snapped back to reality and join the two of you
  • He watched the both of you eat and hear your conversations with her..
  • It warms his heart so much, he feels so happy to be with both of his very loved ones
  • He and Stella then walk to the front yard with you waiting at the door
  • She then went inside the bus, “Have a good day, sweetie~” he waved at her as the bus slowly moves away from the house
  • Yet he still can see her smile and say, “bye bye mommy and daddy~”

“hmm, I’ll be waiting..”


“The feeling that I’m losing her forever. And without really entering her world”

  • When he’s alone, his thoughts takes over him
  • Time is cruel for everyone and he is no exception
  • To see Stella grow and change by time, he sometimes can’t handled it..
  • His little girl is now growing up..
  • When he thought he know her well, she changed little by little..
  • Childe sometimes felt upset about it
  • He just wanted to understand his daughter well but he can’t, because the world keeps moving
  • Talking and hearing her stories did soothe him
  • Laughing with her is simply a joy for him
  • Since he got married to you and Stella was born to the world, he’s really happy.. nothing can’t pay the feeling of being with you and her
  • But the thought that time stops for no one did make Childe feel upset

“If only time could stop or slow down.. it would be great.. I just wanted to know her.. cherish everything with her.. I don’t want her to grow up yet..”

Day offs and vacations

“Slipping through my fingers all the time, I try to capture every minute, the feeling in it”

  • When he got a day or week off from work, he’ll immediately wanted to spend time with the both of you
  • Even though he’s busy with his works, he usually plans vacations and which place that all of you can have fun and have a great time
  • Like today for summer :D
  • “Hey my two angles~ we’re heading to the beach~” he announced, Stella jumped in excitement and hugged him, “Yeayy-! we finally have fun togetherr~” Childe giggles and pick her up, kissing her face
  • You then walk to the both of them and kiss them, “haha~ can’t wait, I’ll prepare the things for us” you smiled
  • The next day, you all arrived at the beach
  • You and Childe put all of your things down while Stella waits for both of you
  • “C'mon~! I can’t wait to swimm~” she cheered, both of you giggled and you put the float on her and some suncreen
  • She then run to the water and Childe runs with her
  • You giggled and grab the camera, snapping pictures of them
  • Some of them smiling to the camera with Stella giggling and some are them splashing at each other
  • Smiling seeing the pictures, you then put the camera down
  • Childe on the other hand, his heart swells with love, all of you are laughing and having fun
  • You then rent a kite and played with her while snapped a picture of the two of you
  • Before going home, all of you take a cute family photo :3, it was sunset and both of you wanted to cherish it
  • Tired, all of you finish taking a shower, taking turns
  • After a fun day, you all will nestled in one bed, cuddling each other
  • You and Stella both fell asleep after awhile, Childe? He’s just happy, kissing both of you a good night kiss

“I love you both so much, can’t wait for another vacations and spending time with you two..”

Stella’s Birthday

“Each time I think I’m close to knowing, She keeps on growing”

  • He’ll no doubt will take a day off just to celebrate her birthday
  • It depends on Stella whether she wants to throw a party and invite her friends or just have fun with her beloved parents :3
  • On morning, Childe cooked her favorite breakfast and serve it on bed, both of you can’t forget the morning kiss for Stella, “Happy Birthday~!”
  • After she went to school, both of you went shopping
  • Buying her favorite chocolate cake, new clothes, toys and such
  • Childe even pick her up from school together with you
  • “Mommy, daddy-!” her high pitched voice and little figure runs to you
  • Both of you greet her and take her home as she waved her hand to her friends
  • Arriving at the house, she run inside and saw the cakes, presents and some decorations
  • “Uwohh-! both of you did this??” she smiled excitedly and both of you nod
  • Changing both of your clothes and her into a mini dress, you then take the cake out and light up the candles
  • “Make a wish, dear~” Childe told her and Stella close her eyes for a moment
  • She then blows it and both of you clapped then take a picture together like usual :)
  • After eating some of the cake and Stella finish opening her presents, you and Childe bring her to her favorite park
  • All of you just enjoy the day to just talk, have fun and walk together :3

“You grow up so fast darling, I wish you are a happy person as you grow up and keep loving us..”

Young Adult

“Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture, And save it from the funny tricks of time”

  • You and Childe have raised her with great education and with so much loving-care for Stella
  • She’s now a young adult (around 18), which means now it’s time for her to face the outside world
  • Childe assigned her to University in Fontaine, which was her dream collage
  • She’s been studying hard to get in and have both of your out most support for her
  • And guessed what? SHE GOT ACCEPTED, isn’t that great~!
  • Both of you are really proud of her and celebrate a little with a dinner :D
  • Since she’s a teen, sometimes she’ll spend time with her friends, with that means sometimes she’ll come a home a bit late sometimes (but not until 12 or 4 in the morning)
  • She’ll be home at the latest around 8 o'clock
  • Although she’s out, she’ll never forget about the two of you at home :3, such a sweet girl
  • Stella looks a bit more like Childe but her eyes and hair color are yours
  • “Haha, you really did portrayed the both of us, dear”, Childe giggles and she smiled shyly, “well.. I’m mom and dad’s daughter after all”, she responded with a really soft smile
  • It makes both of your heart swell so much..
  • Now, the time has come for her to attend collage and went to Fontaine
  • You helped her pack what she needs and Childe already book a flight and taxi when she arrived there
  • Both of you accompany her to the airport and bid farewell
  • “Mom.. dad..” she turned to the two of you, “I’ll miss you..” she smiled sadly and hugs you two
  • “aww.. we’ll miss you too, dear..” you gently rub her back and kiss her cheek, “You’re welcome to call us anytime, dear.. don’t hesitate to ask something that you need..” Childe cups her cheek gently
  • Every parent knows that there’s a time where the child has to leave and live a new life independently
  • Her flight got called in an announcement that it’ll be gone in 30 minutes
  • “there it is, I have to go now..” she looked at the schedule and hug you one last time
  • “Good bye sweetie, have a safe flight..” you kissed her cheek, and she then waved good bye and went to the ticket booth and after a few minutes, she went inside and her plane is now leave

“Mom and dad will wait for you, dear.. We hope you have a great and a safe life out there..”

