

The Roommate Chronicles, Vol. 19

Sunday fun day

Lazy-ass Sunday!

The Roommate Chronicles, Vol. 27

The Roommate Chronicles, Vol. 34

The Roommate Chronicles, Vol. 52

feminadocta: Photo by G.K. Sholanke


Photo by G.K. Sholanke

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the dark side ~

the dark side ~

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I took a break for a bit! I’ve been enjoying some downtime, and today I’m feeling pretty up about it.

Last winter felt like the longest, gloomiest winter ever. I’d been traveling nonstop, and finally I just needed to slow down and recharge. I needed to NOT look at my own work, and take a break from erotic images in general. I needed to gain some fresh perspective.

In the beginning, I asked myself, “Q: RMRL (Real Men Real Life): what is it? A: Appreciating the beauty of men, and celebrating erotic energy.” Over time, as I watched it grow, I learned to follow my instincts and just let it… be what it be. Being a natural born people-pleaser made trusting my instincts a difficult lesson. It’s a lesson I have to re-learn every day in a world and country where erotic energy is constantly demonized by forces on the Right and (sadly) the Left as well.

RMRL is this: it’s my passionately imperfect journey of looking to find the beauty in all kinds of men, one man at a time. Beautiful men whose divinity just shines the fuck through, despite their imperfections (or perhaps because of them).

My mantra is (still) this: “more”.


I want more fun. I want more creativity. I want to photograph more amazing men in more beautiful natural settings. I want more togetherness, more fearlessness and more appreciation for the beauty surrounding us all. MORE MEN!!! And lots more from the men we’ve seen before.

May Life and the Universe or God (or whatever) give me the resources and gumption and artistry to do these men the justice they deserve! Wish me luck!

John  ;)

 I really love animals in general, and cats just seem so awesome. Unfortunately, I can’t get one yet I really love animals in general, and cats just seem so awesome. Unfortunately, I can’t get one yet I really love animals in general, and cats just seem so awesome. Unfortunately, I can’t get one yet

I really love animals in general, and cats just seem so awesome. Unfortunately, I can’t get one yet, but at least I can paint them! Here are some lazy and less lazy cats! Some of these are also in my book, which is on Kickstarter for 9 more days!  

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