#choi yeonjun smut



it’s been a hot minute lol, thanks all for being so patient with me, seeing all the lovely messages in my inbox really makes me feel so much better soooo with that, i hope i can get back to making you all scream at your screens lol!

warnings: edging, nsfw

YEONJUN: he’s probably a talking mess, he’s talking to you while your lips are still wrapped around his cock after telling him he’s not allowed to cum until you tell him. it takes an awful lot for yeonjun to beg and he knew that’s what it was gonna take for you to let him come. he’s probably trying to tease you, but he can tell from the determined look in your eyes you weren’t going to let him cum.

SOOBIN: absolutely no shame in begging, the second he saw the mischievous glint in your eyes he was already throwing his head back with mindless “please” leaving his lips over and over again. falling for your innocent expression every time you tell him you’ll let him cum soon, but it’s not soon enough for him. literally will get tears in his eyes from the feeling and that’s when you finally let him come.

BEOMGYU: literally will thrust up into your mouth and that’s what has resulted in you telling him he’s not allowed to have his release. at first he will act like he doesn’t care but the way his teeth is digging into his lip you can tell he’s growing frustrated and that’s when he will finally apologise for disobeying and he promises he won’t do it again, poor boy just wants his high.

TAEHYUN: literally degrade you until you give him what he wants, he’ll let you have your moment of thinking you got one over him but the second you shake your head when he says he’s about to come he raises his eyebrow. as far as he’s concerned you don’t call the shots around here, he does.

HUENINGKAI: whimpering mess, you can tell in his eyes how much he wants it. he’s a little shy to beg at first but when you make him so needy he doesn’t have a choice and pleas and begs will come out of his mouth involuntary
