

So Caitlin Farmer is tall (and she’s trans). She plays volleyball and is VERY TALL. She’s taller than Chowder (who is also trans everybody’s trans I don’t make the rules) for sure.

But don’t think for one second that that stops Chowder from picking her up/giving her piggyback rides literally all the time he loves picking up his big beautiful ripped girlfriend and making her laugh and feel like a fucking princess.

Chowder has his insecurities, but being shorter than Farmer is not one of them. To him, she is literally a Viking goddess come down from Valhalla he loves her tallness and her body and everything about her so much

Farmer used to be a lot more insecure about her height and build, but then this really sweet goalie falls head over heels for her exactly the way she is. It doesn’t solve her height dysphoria, but it sure does help when Chowder whispers in her ear how gorgeous and perfect she is whenever they’re cuddling or kissing in bed
