#chris evans baby


Type: One-shot

Pairing: Chris Evans x reader

Warnings: Swearing and death 


“Come on boy!” You patted the spot beside you and Dodger jumped onto the couch and snuggled up against you.  You took a sip of your drink before turning on the TV.  

“And we’ll be right back after this commercial with the one, the only, Captain America!” Ellen exclaimed before the commercials started to play.

“You excited to see daddy?” You asked the boxer, but Dodger’s attention was on your apple slices. He barked in thanks when you tossed him one.  A few minutes later Ellen was back and you smiled as your husband walked onto the stage.  

“Thanks for coming!”

“Thanks for having me!” Chris smiled as he spoke.

“So, right off the bat, I gotta ask, how’s filming for Infinity war going?”

“Really well! We’re nearly done with part 1, then I’ll take a break, see family before heading off to do part 2.”

“And is there anything you could share with us? Maybe just a tiny spoiler?” Ellen asked.  The crowd cheered in agreement.

Chris hummed as he thought for a moment, “I guess I could share one thing.” Everyone screamed in excitement.  “But you gotta promise to keep it between us!” Chris chuckled.  

“We promise!”

“Okay, the secret is…” Chris fell silent for a second as the suspense intensified.  “That I have a beard in this one!”

There was a mixture of protests and laughter coming from the crowd and even Ellen smiled.

“Wow! That’s a big change! You think Marvel is okay with you sharing that?”

“I’ll find out when this is over” Chris chuckled.  

“Moving on, tell me, how’s married life?”


“And you’ve been together for how long?” Ellen asked.  You smiled as a picture from your wedding appeared on the screen behind Chris and Ellen.

“We’ve been together for five years and married for two” Chris answered.  He looked up at the screen, noticing the picture.  “That was the happiest day of my life.”

The crowd awed making Chris smile.  

“And do you see kids in your future?” You tensed up at this question.

“Oh, for sure! I have always wanted to have babies and to be a father, but the progression of things has to unfold a little bit before that can happen. My sister has kids, all my friends have children and I love being around them. I am a very nostalgic person, myself, about my own life. There’s nothing more wonderful than watching my nieces and nephews begin to understand the nature of certain social norms, why people do things, and the nature of the human condition. That’s such a beautiful evolution. To some degree that having children, you almost get to relive your own childhood. And so, in that selfish capacity, I am eager to have kids because there’s a lot of things that I bet even I have forgotten about my own life. And to watch kids find their way, find their voice, and find their joy, what a wonderful thing to help navigate.” (AN: Chris said this himself. I did not write that but thought it fit perfectly with this story.)

You turned off the TV, unable to finish watching the interview.  Dodger looked up at you in confusion and you rubbed his head. “Sorry boy, I got stuff I need to get done.”

You get off the couch, wash your plate, and get to work on house chores you’d been putting off. Trying to keep yourself busy and push the interview out of your mind.  

You were dancing a little in the kitchen as you cooked dinner.  Your headphones were in and you hummed along to your favorite song.  You were perfectly happy till a pair of arms wrapped around you from behind causing you to jump three feet into the air and scream. Chris laughed as you pulled away and quickly took out your headphones.

“Sorry I scared you”

“No, you aren’t!” You exclaimed making Chris laugh harder.  You rolled your eyes and gave him a peck on the cheek.  “How was your day?”

“Good, did you watch the interview?” Chris asked once he managed to calm down.

“Yep! You did great!” You answered turning off the burner after you made sure the chicken was done.

“Yeah?” You could tell by his tone what Chris was trying to hint at, but you weren’t going to bite.

You hummed in response as you got out some plates.  “You wanna sit at the table or on the couch?”

“Tables fine” Chris sighed. He took the plates and grabbed some silverware before heading to your table.  

You put the chicken onto a serving platter and the pasta into a bowl.  You brought them out to the table just as Chris was finishing.

“Beer or wine?”

“I’ll take a beer” You answered as you headed back into the kitchen to grab the sauce.  You sat down and Chris placed a beer in front of you and sat down across from you with his own.  

“So, how was your day?” Chris asked taking a piece of chicken.

“Good! Watched your interview, did some work around the house, and then Dodger and I went for a run.”

Chris nodded as he chewed. “Did you think my answers were okay?”

You did your best to keep your expression blank.  “Yeah, you’ve always been good at interviews.”

Chris nodded as he took a sip of his beer.  He took a deep breath and you knew he was working up the courage to just ask you outright about it.  “Have you, um… Called that doctor I found?”

You set down your silverware before answering.  “Not yet, must have slipped my mind today, but I’ll call tomorrow.”

“That’s what you said yesterday, and the day before, and last week” Chris grumbled, trying to stop himself from raising his voice.  

“I’m sorry okay, I’ll call tomorrow.  I don’t see what the big deal is.”

Chris scoffed in response. “Do you want this? Because if you don’t then- “

“Chris! I- “

“No seriously!” He exclaimed, the frustration now clear on his face.  “If you don’t want kids then just tell me!  Because I have tried and tried to understand what’s going on with you! I have tried to get you to talk but the second I bring it up you shut me down!”

You shook your head and stood.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m not doing this right now,” You grabbed your plate and headed to the sink and started to wash your dishes.

“No! You are not doing this again!” Chris yelled following you.  “Y/N!”

You didn’t look at him, just continued to wash your plate.  

Chris marched over and shut the water off.  “For the love of God talk to me!”

You kept your eyes focused on the faucet.  

“You can’t keep doing this to me! You can’t keep ignoring me!” Chris’s voice cracked at the end of his sentence.  The anger in his voice was replaced by hurt and you hated yourself even more for being the one to cause it.  

You finally looked at him and for a second you considered telling him the truth.  No “I want to wait” or “I don’t think we’re ready”. But suddenly you could feel your dam start to crack, and the mere thought of what had happened was enough to make you want to shut down.  “I’m going to bed,” You whispered before walking away.

You never saw the look of brokenness on Chris’s face, but you knew it was there all the same.

You didn’t sleep that night.  You could hear Chris talking to himself, the cries of frustration, and the crashes as he broke a few things.  You laid there all alone, wanting to run to him and apologize.  But the fear of the possibility of going through that again was enough to make you stay in bed.  

When your alarm finally went off you quickly turned it off and put on your robe.  You quietly opened your bedroom door and listened, but heard nothing.  You made your way down the hallway of your apartment and into the living room.

Chris sat on the couch looking at the TV that was off, his hair a bit of a mess, and there were a few cuts in his hands.  You didn’t see anything broken so you assumed Chris had cleaned up his mess.  

You didn’t say anything as you walked into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee.  You poured yourself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the now clean table.  The coffee pot beeped and before you could move Chris got up and walked over to it, pouring two mugs of coffee.  He placed on in front of you before sitting in the chair on the other side of the table. Neither of you spokes as he sipped his coffee and you ate your breakfast.  

“Do you have any meetings today?”

“I can’t do this anymore,” Chris stated ignoring your question.  You didn’t say anything response and waited for him to continue. “I want kids and it is obvious you don’t.  You married me knowing you wanted something different and that kids weren’t negotiable. I want a family! And so, I can’t be with someone who doesn’t want the same.”

You set down your spoon and starred at the table, trying to hold back the tears.  You had really done it.  You had pushed away the man you loved because of something that was only a possibility.  You saw this coming and were honestly surprised it hadn’t happened sooner.   But you realized you loved Chris more than you feared the future.

“I want kids,” You finally croaked.  

“Then why won’t you have one with me! You won’t call the doctor and I found these in our bathroom!” Chris held up your birth control pills that must have been in his pocket. “If it’s cause you’re afraid of being a mom then- “

“I was a mom,” You interrupted, Chris, starred at you astonishment.


“I was a mom,” You repeated.  “Remember how I told you about my ex? The guy I dated before you?”

“You mean that abusive, piece of shit that you never let me punch? “

“Yeah, him” You waved it off, not wanting to go into detail about your past relationship.  “Well, after I dumped him I found out I was pregnant and – “

“But… But I knew you back then! And I never- “

“I went home to Jersey remember? And you didn’t see me for over a year.”

Chris nodded, now remembering what you were talking about.

“Anyways,” You sighed. The tears were getting harder to stop. “I, um, I had the baby and planned to keep it.  I always wanted to be a mom you know? And sure, this was not the ideal situation, but at least something good was going to come out of that hell I went through.”

You paused and took a shaky breath.  “Henry Y/L/N was born April 4th, 2011 and died April 7th, 2011.”

Chris was speechless, but also knew he should not interrupt you.

“He was born with a defect in the walls of his heart.  The natural walls that exist between the left and right sides and the upper and lower chambers of the heart did not develop correctly, causing blood to back up into the heart.  This put pressure on the heart to work harder.  He was a preemie and already struggling with different things and so, his heart became too weak to carry on.” Tears now rolled down your cheeks as you explained.  “I got to hold him when he, um… when he died” You let out a sob as you finished.

Chris rushed over and took you into his arms.  The two of you now sat on the floor as you sobbed against Chris’s chest.  You feel Chris’s own tears hit the top of your head. “You… You never told me.”

“I couldn’t! The only one who knows what happened is my mom, but I could never tell anyone else!”

“You’re afraid of having kids because you don’t want to go through that again” Chris breathed, hating himself for ever getting angry with you.

“I was his mom!” You yelled pulling away.  “I was his mom and I couldn’t help him! Mothers are supposed to protect their children and I failed him!”

“Hey, look at me,” Chris said softly, taking your face in his hands.  “It was not your fault, you did not fail your son.  You loved him and did all you could, but this was beyond your control.”

You let out another sob and buried your face into his chest.  You sat there for a long time, as Chris rubbed your back and spoke soothing words.  

You sat on your bathroom floor waiting for the timer on your phone to go off.  You could see Chris pacing in the bedroom.

“How much longer?”

“One minute,” You answered. You tried to control yourself but your hands were shaking.  What if it’s positive? What if it happens again? Chris noticed your worried expression and sat down beside you.

“We’re going to be okay” He reassured kissing your forehead.  He took your hands in his and the two of you sat there waiting together.

It had been three months since you had told Chris about Henry and since then you had thrown out your birth control pills and finally agreed to try for a baby.  

The timer went off and both of you looked to the bathroom counter.

“I’ll do it,” Chris breathed getting up.  Your hands began shaking again.  You watched as tears welled up in Chris’s eyes.

“Oh no, it’s- “


“What?” You whispered.

“It’s positive!” Chris shouted.  You let out a scream and jump to your feet.  You leaped into Chris’s arms and he spun you around as you both laughed and cried at the same time.  You had never felt so much joy.  “We’re going to have a baby!” Chris laughed kissing you.  

“We’re going to have a baby” You repeated.

“The Backup Plan!”

“Not no another chick flick!” Chris groaned.  

“I’m carrying your child!”

“You can’t use that to win every argument!”

“I don’t, but I particularly want to win this one!” You shot back.  You tried to cross your arms but that was uncomfortable to do when you’re 8 months pregnant so you decided not to.

“What do I get out of this?”

“You can have the last of the ice cream in the freezer.”

“Deal!” Chris exclaimed jumping off the couch.  You pressed play as he ran to the kitchen.  “There’s barely enough for one bite!”

“Never said how much was in there!” You laughed.  Chris rushed over and, gently, tackled you. You let out a squeal as he tickled your sides.

“Say you’re sorry!”

“Never!” You laughed. You let out another squeal as Chris leaned down and rubbed his beard against your neck.  Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain in your stomach and something wet began to run down your inner thigh.  “Chr-Chris stop! Stop!” You screamed.

Upon hearing the panic in your voice Chris quickly jumped off you.  You looked down and saw blood seeping through your sweatpants.

“Call an ambulance,” You whispered, but Chris seemed to be frozen with fear.  “Call an ambulance!” You cried out, feeling another pain.

“Y/N, we’re going to have to do a C-section” The doctor explained.  You now laid in a hospital bed with Chris beside you, squeezing your hand as tight as you could bare.

You shook your head, “No, he’s not ready! My due date isn’t for another month!”

“Your chances of a miscarriage are high right now so we need to get him out before something goes wrong that we can’t fix.”

“He’s not ready!” You cried, tears welling up in your eyes.  Not again! This couldn’t be happening again.

“Y/N look at me!” Chris demanded taking your face in his hands.  “We have to do this.  This is how we save our baby, and our baby will be fine! I promise you!”

“Mr. Evans, I don’t think it’s a good idea to- “

“Our baby will be fine!” Chris shouted turning to the doctor.  Chris turned back to you,

“It’s going to be okay, we’ll get through this, all three of us.”

Chris continued to pace in the waiting room, looking at the clock every forty seconds.  She would be fine, they would both be fine.  

“Would you like me to get you something? Maybe a coffee?” The old doctor behind the counter asked.  He smiled sympathetically at Chris.

Chris tried to remember if he liked coffee but all that came out of his mouth was, “Is this my fault?”

“What?” The doctor asked confused.  

“I was on top of her and tickling her sides. We were just playing you know? And then she cried out, and the blood, and… Did I do this? Oh God! Did I kill my kid before I even got to meet them?” Chris croaked, tears threatening to spill.  

The Doctor walked over to Chris and placed a hand on his shoulder.  “Listen, son, I’ve been here for thirty years and seen plenty of cases similar to yours.  You didn’t do this.  These things just happen, sometimes there’s an explanation and sometimes not.  But your wife has good chances, she’ll pull through.”

Chris took a shaky breath and wiped his eyes dry.  

“Let me go get you that coffee,” The Doctor squeezed Chris’s shoulder before walking down the hallway.  

“Mr. Evans?” Chris jumped out of his chair, spilling his coffee in the process. “Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to- “

“Don’t worry about it,” The nurse chuckled. “I’ll get someone to come clean that up, but right now, would you like to come see your wife?”

Chris nodded, unable to speak.  He followed the nurse down the hallway and into the elevator.  

When they arrived at Y/N’s room the nurse opened the door and allowed Chris to step in first.

“Hey…” Y/N whispered from her bed, a tired look on her face.  Chris rushed over and kissed her forehead, pushing her hair out of her face.

“Are you okay? Is the baby okay?”

“They both did fine,” The nurse reassured.

“Where’s- “

“He’s in the NICU right now, but once you’re feeling up to it you can come meet him.”

“It’s a he?” Y/N whispered. You had decided to keep the gender a surprise.

“It’s a he.” The nurse confirmed.  

“You ready to hold him?” The doctor asked as he picked up your son.

You nodded and held out your arms, you held back a sob as the tiny child was given to you.  

“And everything is okay?” Chris asked for the millionth time.

“Everything is fine. No birth defects, none of that. Just needs a few weeks of growing before we can let him go home,” The doctor explained.

“Hey Y/C/N, it’s so nice to meet you” You whispered.  Chris knelt beside your wheelchair and smiled down at his son.  

“He’s perfect.”

“Here, you have a turn,” You carefully placed Y/C/N into his father’s arms.  

“Hey buddy, you have no idea how long we’ve been waiting for you.” Chris quietly laughed. 

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