#chris evans x ellie spencer ofc



Hello my friends, I hope you are all doing well. Or as well as can be expected. My heart is hurting this week.. between what happened in Texas as well as the death of two elderly family members during the last 48 hours. Neither death came as a shock, but to come back to back like that was a shock to the sense.

Thank you as always for being patient with me when it comes to updating this story. It’s actually been almost 6 years to the day that I started writing this series. And if I can get my writing mojo back on track for these two, I’m hoping to finish it in the next year.

xoxo Becca xoxo

Pairing: Chris Evans x Ellie Spencer (OFC)



Episode Summary: Chris and Ellie go on their first date

Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.

This episode can also be read on AO3.

The Chris and Ellie series is primarily chronological. It begins with a flash forward to 2016 and has a few other scenes in the future. However, the majority of their story is told in chronological order starting in 2013 and going through 2017. Each episode starts with a date to help you place it within the story.

The Chris & Ellie Series Masterlist|Chris & Ellie Masterlist

Episode 29

Episode 30: The First Date

January 8, 2015

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going yet?” Ellie asked as Chris navigated LA traffic.

“If I told you, it’d ruin the surprise,” he replied, tossing her a coy grin.

“Fine, but remember what goes around comes around,” Ellie replied, playfully crossing her arms with a huff. “And I will figure this out.”

“You’re welcome to try,” Chris teased.

Ellie spent the next thirty minutes or so trying to guess their destination, using highway signs as clues, with little success. It wasn’t until she started seeing the signs for the Griffith Observatory that she figured it out.

Wanting to test her theory, she made what she hoped came out as an offhand comment. “You know, I’ve never been to the observatory. I hear it’s a great place.”

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