#chris evens fluff


Chris Evans - Yes

Chris peered down at me with the same glint in his eye I’d seen so many times, watching me closely as my chest heaved up and down. He was close, chest bumping against mine, hand reaching out to graze against my knuckles.

“You’ve chosen him?” He lowly asked.

“I…that’s not…” I fumbled over my words as my eyes drifted to his lips.

“You just said we needed to end our little affair.” He said. “That’s choosing him, no?”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Then what is it?” His hands took mine, bringing them up to plant on his chest.

His hands squeezed my hips, slowly inching my skirt up so he could nuzzle his fingers against my warm flesh.

“I met him first.” I weakly excused.

“But you fell for me first.” Before I could utter a word back, Chris pressed a hasty kiss to my lips.

I melted into him and wrapped my arms around his neck, flushing my body against his. His hands squeezed the skin on my hips before skimming round to grab my behind. I opened my mouth to gasp which was swallowed by Chris’ tongue.

He easily won control as he pushed me backwards until my calves hit the frame of the bed. A squeak left my lips as Chris pushed me back, a small chuckle leaving his lips as I wide-eyed peered to at him.

“You can still leave.” He taunted as he crawled up my body, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips.

“No.” I quickly huffed as I weaved my fingers into his hair.

Chris bit his lip, I could see his mind thinking. “I won’t touch you till you say you love me,” he bargained. “Won’t fuck you till you say you’ll leave him.”

“Chris.” I whined, bucking my hips to gain any sort of friction.

His hands soothed over my hair and he smiled down at me. “Forcing your hand, Princess, I know you want me.”


“Admit it.” He interrupted. “I can see it in your eyes, say it.”

I twisted beneath him, letting out a low, frustrated sigh before settling my eyes on him. He cocked a brow, challenging me.

He was right, he always was. It was his best and worst quality.

“I love you,” I hummed, keeping eye contact. “And I’ll leave him.”

Chris offered me a wide smile. “That’s my girl.”

I practically glowed at his praise, smiling warmly as his head went to the crook of my neck and began to gently assault the skin with nips of his teeth. I muled, giggling a little as Chris rutted his hips against mine. His hands inched my skirt up to bunch around my waist, fingers toying with the small bow on my underwear.

“No lace?” Usually I dressed up when I came round. “You really were going to end things?”

I nodded. “I was.”

“But I said otherwise.” He growled as he slowly crawled back down my body, pressing an absentminded kiss to the bow.

I whimpered. “I’m glad.” I confessed.

“Me too.” Was the last thing he said before he pushed my underwear to the side and delved his tongue into me.

Another growl escaped his lips as he finally tasted me, and he licked like a man starved. I bucked my hips and grasped his hair tightly, rocking gently in rhythm with his tongue. His strong hands forced my thighs apart, painfully pushing them to the bed.

When he finally resurfaced, his beard was glistening with me and when pressed his lips to mine, I could taste myself. I moaned and prolonged the kiss by grabbing the back of his neck, causing a chuckle to escape his lips.

“Why did you want to end things now?” Chris asked as he pulled himself from his jeans, stroking gently as he looked for my answer.

“He asked me to marry him.”

Chris stopped his actions with a deep frown. “You said yes?” I nodded. “Why?”

“I thought I was supposed to,” I whispered. “But…”

“But what?” He pressed.

“But I found myself wishing it was you on one knee.” As I finished my sentence he eased into me, causing a breathy moan to escape my lips.

“I would,” he strained as he bottomed out. “I’d ask you a million times with a million rings.”

“Really?” I gasped as Chris began to rock his hips at a steady pace.

“Yes Princess, if it meant I could have all of you and not some.” His forehead pressed against mine as he deeply groaned. “So fucking tight…”

I whimpered as he harshly snapped his hips. “You already have all of me.”

“What would you say?” He asked.

“Yes!” I cried as the tips of his fingers rubbed my bundle of nerves.

“Yes to me or because I’m going to make you cum?” He asked with an evil smirk.

“Both!” I screamed as I came undone around him, arching my back and pushing my head into the mattress. I saw stars as I drew my thighs up, arms outstretched beside me as I fisted the bedsheets.

I relaxed my body and gazed up at him. “You’re a vision.” He lovingly breathed.

“Please…” I begged as my hands softly stroked over his beard.

Chris wound his eyes tightly shut and bit down on his lip, a long groan escaping his throat as his hips stilled and he emptied into me. His mouth fell open, hot breaths fanning over me as he thrust a few more times before collapsing onto me, resting his weight on his forearms beside me.

“Marry me.” He begged.

