#chris hemsworth x black reader


Season’s Greeting


CHARACTERS — Giselle X Chris Hemsworth

CONTENT — Christmas Shenanigans and Surpises!

PLOT — A little somethin’ surrounding Christmas.

NARRATIVE — Christmas has always been an event for Giselle. Dating back to her excitement and starry eyed gaze at the string lights as a child in Texas, the brown beauty’s unconditional love for the holiday hasn’t strayed throughout the decades.

Sharing her passion with her husband, Chris quickly understood the importance to Giselle and has since aided in making this time of year special for her and now for their children.

A long way from the modern style home he once knew, the six-foot four man stood in between the living room and kitchen with his hands on his hips and admired the festive changes. With an array of red, white and gold accented decor spread through the house Chris took everything in. Starting from the train track underneath the eight-foot tree, red throw pillows and holiday figurines on the tables to the mistletoe he stashed above the doorways.

Stifling out a laugh at his wife’s attention to detail the Aussie shuffled over to the mirror in the hallway and flattened his palm over his black long-sleeve shirt before sighing while looking at his TAG Heuer.

“Giselle— sweetheart! The reservation is for eight and its almost six forty-five, we gotta hit the road!”

“—I know Chris, I’m coming! Uh, just gimme like five more minutes.” He heard her promise, making Chris exhale only for him to inhale the scented pine cones dipped in various oils scattered around his house.

Whispering, “What the hell is she doing up there..” under his breath, Chris waltzed into the kitchen.

Reaching down the actor stole a couple of gumdrop from his children’s gingerbread houses, propped up against the countertop before popping a few into his mouth. Grabbing another gumdrop from the rooftop of the gingerbread house, Chris allowed the smooth harmonies of The Temptations Silent Night playing from the speakers to distract him from the time.

Alone in the kitchen with a mouth full of candy Chris tried to hold the classic ‘silent night’ note only for his gruff voice to come out in the wrong pitch. “—damn babe!” He heard Giselle’s squeak out from behind.

Turning around as Giselle’s infectious laugh echoed through the kitchen, the Aussie strolled closer and continued his singing; keeping a smile on her face.

Inching his face closer towards Giselle, he cradled her face and started to lower his face only to pause mid-motion as he admired her undeniable beauty.

Meeting him halfway Giselle lifted her face to kiss him; immediately muffling his singing. Pulling back from the tender kiss Giselle felt Chris nudge his nose against hers in a way to subliminally ask for another kiss before she placed a hand against his black silk shirt and whispered, “Let’s go.” against his lips.

“Uh, okay,” Chris groaned, as he stood straight with a pout, “—but not before you spin around for me!” He hyped, quickly replacing his frown with a sly grin.

Sliding his palm into hers, Chris lifted their hands up and motioned for her to twirl around. Gluing his eyes to her body as Giselle pivoted in a circle, he watched the silk and denim pairing clutch onto every slope of her body. Leaving Chris blinking away the lust from his orbs before she turned to him; exhaling Chris licked over his lips before he ushered them out.

Oh, how date night was Chris’s fucking favorite night. With the children out with their grandparents; Alex and Janice who arrived last night, they were out doing some last minute shopping before taking the kids to see Frozen 2 for the umpteenth time.

The clinging of silverware, small chatter and the sizzling of the food carried on the trays of passing waiters filled Giselle’s ear. Glancing around the deck Giselle admired the string lights wrapped around the balcony and beams while the dark purple hue above painted the sky as the sunsetted above the ocean.

Enthralled in the scene, Giselle felt the wind softly blow through her hair while she breathed in the salty air before shifting around. Taking ahold of her straw, she stirred the strawberry lemonade conation and gripped the glass before bringing it to her lips.

Gulping down her drink in one take she heard her husband clear his throat before his voice followed, “Uh, is everything alright?” He questioned, making Giselle slowly sink in her chair. Did he figure her out?

“No, um— I’m fine. Why, wassup?” She rebutted.

“It’s just that um— everytime we come here you order the wine,” The Australian stuttered out, before he went to nervously rub the back of his neck.

“—and as of late, you’ve been chugging down the lemonade— but it’s not just that; it’s everything.”

“Like how lately you practically start gagging on queue whenever seafood is present— which may I remind you has been your favorite food since we’ve met. Or the constant running off the bathroom and now the lemonade! Baby, you only do that when,”

“—I have your basket of garlic bread right here, your food should be out shortly.” The waiter interrupted.

Directing her gaze from Chris’s anxious face to the smiling waiter, Giselle returned his grin while silently thanking the high heavens for stopping her husband from talking his way into ruining her surprise present.

The rest of the dinner flowed nicely. After forgetting the suggestive topic he was going to discuss, Chris and Giselle ate and giggled as they thought about how their family was going to react to their gifts.

Hitting a quiet mark as her husband sipped on his tequila, Giselle knew this was her opportunity to talk to Chris. Clearing her throat, “Now, I know that we’ve agreed that we weren’t gonna spoil eachother before Christmas but I got somethin’ for you honeybun.”

Reaching into her purse Giselle slipped out a brown flat, but wide box tied with a glittery red bow before she placed it on the table and slid it towards Chris.

With her acrylics still on the box, Giselle watched Chris’s thick digits touch the other end before she flicked her orbs up to look into his. “I couldn’t wait babe, I needed to have this moment with you and only you.” She detailed, before releasing the box.

In the box contained three positive pregnancy tests and underneath was a photoset of their unborn child.

With days of denying the possibility after her sick episode in Texas, Giselle couldn’t shake the feeling but once the symptoms started to slowly arise she abruptly sent her assistant to the store. Making out the two lines with ease Giselle kept her little secret and found out she was coming along nine weeks pregnant until this very moment; this second.

Instantly feeling a wave of vulnerability travel down her spine Giselle also felt the urge of premature tears threatening to unleash as one slipped from her eye while she watched her husband’s instant reaction.

Staring at her husband Giselle saw the corners of Chris’s mouth quickly lift as he picked up one of the tests and widened his smile over the digital two lines before he put it down and caressed his thumb over the developing baby in the ultrasound pictures.

Watching the moment Chris finally looked up, the brown beauty caught the extra gloss over his eyes before he blinked and allowed a tear to fall as well.

“Giselle! Oh my— this is fucking incredible baby!”

Thankful for the secluded area, Giselle beamed as Chris abruptly jumped up; making the chair screech in the process before he jogged over to embrace her.

Standing up, Giselle was immediately wrapped in Chris’s arms as he rocked her side to side. Pressing kisses all over her head he mumbled, “I fucking love you,” gripped her face and exchanged a tearful gaze with his wife before he smashed their lips together.


The Christmas spirit was unmatched in the Hemsworth household. With everyone clad in a holiday printed onesies and slippers, drinking from their customized mugs of hot chocolate and Giselle’s playlist that included everyone from Destiny’s Child, Wham! to Alexander O’Neal playing through the tv; the family piled into the living with full stomachs from the big breakfast before passing out gifts.

“GiGi! You did not!” Iris gasped, as she slowly pulled the dust bag out of the mustard-colored Fendi box.

Hearing her sister squeal once the neon pink bag from Nicki Minaj’s collab was in her possession, the oldest sister swore she saw Iris leap across the living room just to bring Chris and her into a bear hug while she beamed. Once Iris released them and returned to baby Mia attempting to put a red bow in her mouth, Giselle continued watching her kids unwrap their gifts before she looked over her shoulder to find Chris with a silver glitter box lying in his palms.

Closely watching her husband raise the top Giselle instantly caught Chris’s blue eyes light up while his jaw falter open making the quarter million she spent all worth it for her honeybun’s priceless smile. In the box contained the car keys to a 1965 Chevy Corvair Monza with a custom baby blue paint job, cream seating, silver detailing and a full tank of gas.

After hearing countless fond memories of her husband’s childhood singled around this vehicle, Giselle knew it was only a matter of time before she had to get Chris the car he constantly ranted about.

Heart-racing from excitement the Aussie quickly picked up the keys and pressed a button abruptly making the car ring out. Immediately looking at his wife with childlike joy, Chris struggled to his feet and ran to the front door which instantly made the rest of the family follow behind in peak curiosity. Running to the driveway Chris quickly faltered his steps once his eyes landed on the replica car his father, Craig drove around when Chris was nothing but a young lad.

Picking up his pace while he unlocked the car, Chris slid in the car with door propped opened and gawked over the smooth interior. Hearing the footsteps of his family scurrying down the pavement, the surprised man took his orbs off the vehicle and brought them to Giselle who grinned as she stared back at him.

—and before he knew it, Chris was stumbling out of the car and over to her like a lovesick puppy as the family patted his back and went to admire the car.

Roughly gripping her face the Aussie scooped down and kissed Giselle to transfer his appreciation before he leaned back and pulled her frame into his while he swayed her body with his eyes closed. “Whew, I love you so fucking much girl!” He grunted, before he squeezed her tighter with his last few words.

“I love you too, honeybun. I hope you liked your gift.”

Immediately cocking his head back, Chris quickly scrunched his face up, “Liked? Girl, I love this gift.” He corrected, making Giselle’s infectious laugh ring out. Biting his lips in effort to contain his smile Chris slid his tongue over his lips as he looked down at his wife, “C’mon, I still have gifts for you.” He winked, with a nod to the house before pulling her hand.

Returning back to the living room with the family slowing filing back inside, the brown beauty retook her place back on the floor while Chris searched for a specific gift and within a few moments, the wrapped present was placed infront of her crisscrossed legs.

Grinning up at her husband, Giselle dragged her chocolate orbs away from him and turned towards her gift before she pressed her acrylics through the striped wrapping paper. Uncovering the orange box, Giselle squealed as she ran a finger over the Hermès logo engraved on the lid. After lifting the top, pulling the tissue paper back to grab the dust bag, Giselle felt her smile reach her eyes once her hand made contact with the slick fabric before pulling it out.

“Oh, shit!” She rasped, with her wide-eyes glued to the exclusive Rose Scheherazade Porosus Crocodile Birkin bag. Ghosting a hand over the reptile skin, the overjoyed wife flicked her eyes to her blue eyed beau; who now sat beside her and beamed as he observed her reaction. Throwing her arms around his neck she started placing kissing all over his face, “Thank you! Thank you!” Giselle repeated, as her family awed.

After months of procrastinating to buy this bag only to avoid the store whenever she was on Rodeo Drive, Giselle never expected Chris to catch her off guard.

“Ew!” The couple heard their kids groan whenever their affection lingering for more than thirty seconds.

Pulling away with a laugh, Giselle grabbed her latest addition to her Birkins before squealing once more.

Wrapping paper slowly began to litter the floor and sitting on the floor watching, the Hollywood couple watched on still enamored by their personal gifts.

“—good lookin’ out on the shades guys!” Liam yelled, with a thumbs up as he waved his storage case full of aviators around. Smiling at her brother-in-law, Giselle watched as her children and nieces excitedly played with their new toys while her parents and in-laws gawked over their designer trinkets and bags.

Looking up at her husband who also looked around the living room, it wasn’t long before Chris caught her eyes and the Hollywood couple shared a look.

Knowing that they had an important announcement to share with their family, Giselle sprung to her feet and grabbed a wrapped box hidden behind the tree while Chris got everybody’s attention, “Hey, hey!”

“We have something we would like to share with everyone.” His thick accent ranged out, with a touch of nervousness and excitement inflected in his tone.

“Yes, we do.” Giselle hinted, as she placed the box on the coffee table infront of where her parents and in-laws sat. “—please, everyone gather around.”

Retreating back to where her husband stood, Giselle threw her left arm around his waist while he draped his arm over her shoulder and brought her closer.

“Go on and open it.” The actress gestured, making Mama Janice and Mama Leonie carefully open the box while Papa Alex and Papa Craig looked on.

Anxiously watching her parents and in-laws raise the lid to the box, Giselle nervously leaned into Chris and lifted her hands to her face only to spread them and peak between her fingers as their shrieks echoed.

In the box contained a ultrasound picture tapped to the lid with a black letter-board in the box that read, ‘Baby Hemsworth. Due in June 2020.’ and under the board included a beige teddy bear, a baby rattle and bottle, and a folded white bodysuit and mini socks.

“—ahh! I knew it, I knew it!” Mama Janice exclaimed, as she jumped up and down before walking towards her daughter with her arms out and a bright smile.

Breaking away from her husband, Giselle was instantly immersed in the warmth of her mother’s arms. With tears of joys slipping from her chocolate orbs, the emotional beauty smiled and wiped at her tears before she was embraced by a tearful Leonie.

“Congratulations, sweetheart!” Her mother-in-law whispered, before pressing a chaste kiss to Giselle’s head and pulling away. Gushing from all the love, the actress caught her husband dapping up Quinton and Liam as they also gave their ‘congrats’ before teasing Chris on baby number four. Smiling at their moment Giselle’s eyes were quickly taken off them as small arms wrapped themselves around her abdomen.

Looking down she spotted her twins hugging her growing belly, “I love you mommy!”, “I can’t wait for the baby to come out!” Her girls squealed, before she hugged her twins and kissed their heads. As the girls skipped away to go play with their new iPads. Giselle went to go take a seat when the soft pulling of her onesie immediately caught her attention.

Dragging her eyes down Giselle instantly saw her babyboy’s ever-changing green eyes peering up at her while a frown graced his face. Twisting her own lips around the momma-bear cupped her three year olds chin before she asked what was wrong. “I don’t wanna share you.” He pouted, “C’mon Julian, your sisters had to share their time with me when you came along and now you have to do the same.”

“It doesn’t mean that mommy or daddy loves you any less, you hear me? We love you, and besides,”

Crouching down almost eyelevel to Julian, Giselle spoke to her youngest child, “—this means that you get to be a big brother Jules!” She hyped, as a smile replaced his confusion. Taking him into her arms, she cradled Julian’s body in her lap until her back leaned up against the couch, “When the baby gets older you can show them all your toys, play hide and go seek, read them stories just like your sisters do you and,”

“—and I can share my floaties when w-we go in the big ocean with daddy and my uncles!”, “—and you can share your floaties!” Giselle repeated, with a headnod while gushing at her son’s words.

Once the family calmed down from the news of a new addition, the couple sat on the floor as Chris shared his own excitement with his loved ones.

“Y’know despite all the gifts we’ve received today, my greatest gift is just being able to have y’all here and sharing the good news.” Chris smiled, while he caressed Giselle’s belly as she sat between his bent legs on the floor. “Every year you all either fly these long hours just to come to Australia or drive all the way down here to celebrate Christmas together.”

“—and we truly appreciate that.” Chris admitted, as he interlocked his fingers with Giselle as she turned back to smile at him. “We love everyone of you and we just want to wish y’all a Merry Christmas.”

Hearing the family echo back his words, Giselle gushed and leaned back into her husband’s warm arms as he continued to massage her little pudge.

They couldn’t wait for their bundle of joy arrival.

AUTHOR’S NOTE — I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Let’s get this new year poppin’!

TAGLIST — @wakandas-vibranium@oceanscorazon@melaninmarvel@wakandamama@storibambino@shortstacks-blog@chaneajoyyy@klaylakayblack@ashanti-notthesinger@iamrheaspeaks@destinio1@theunsweetenedtruth@wakanda-inspired@s0eul

A Time To Give Thanks | Chapter 2



CHARACTERS — GiselleX Chris Hemsworth

CONTENT — Thanksgiving Shenanigans, Family Ties, Soul Food, Tradition and Southern Hospitality

PLOT — The Hollywood couple and their children fly out to Giselle’s hometown for Thanksgiving this year.

NARRATIVE — The soul food filled the house; replacing the vanilla scent that once filled the house.

With silver trays of steaming collards green, sizzling turkey and corn brought by arriving family members the side dishes added to the lingering smell of food already in the house from the night before.

Downstairs checking on the glistening ham the barefaced beauty stepped back from the heated source before closing the oven. Taking her mittens off Giselle went onto stirring the mac & cheese but before she could, she was frantically waved over by her sister who stood by the drink table dumping a couple of ice cubes in the two dozen red cups.

Twisting her face up out of instinct the actress maneuvered through her aunties and uncles before she reached Iris, “What’chu want Iris? I’m busy girl.”

Cutting her chocolate eyes at her sister’s sly smirk and quirked eyebrow, “Hm, I know what your nasty ass doin’ last night.” She started, instantly making Giselle’s face scrunch up in confusion before she remembered why her vagina was aching today.

Instantly dropping her mouth as her eyes went wide, Giselle pinched her sister’s shoulder, “Iris! You need to keep your fuckin’ voice,” She said, as she looked around to see if anyone noticed her words, “—your voice down and stop ear hustlin’ on what does or doesn’t happen in my room.” Giselle sassed.

Jerking away from her oldest sister’s hold Iris rebutted, “Huh-uh don’t start that GiGi! You and Chris out’here makin’ all that damn noise at two in fuckin’ morning like my bedroom isn’t next door!”

Before either of them could even respond the siblings were interrupted by Chris strolling into the kitchen with two more bags of ice and Niel following behind with a few more boxes of cups. Squinting her eyes at her sister, Giselle greeted them, “—hey y’all!”

“Wassup G and Iris,” Niel smiled, “Hello.” The Aussie greeted, with a headnod at Iris and a wink at his wife.

“I see dad got y’all working today.” Iris chuckled, making the men sigh and stifled out a laugh. “You just don’t know big head,” Niel let out an exhausted laugh, before he wiped his forehead, “—but imma be right back. I’m gonna go check on Elianna.” He said, before side hugging his sisters and dapping up Chris.

“So, what time did my dad wake you up?” Giselle questioned, as she shifted towards her husband.

“Around eight-ish.”, “Aw, thats too bad. I had some plans for us to do before we got started with our day, but I guess that’ll have to wait for later.” The actress promised, making her brow quirk while her tone of voice softened; lingering in his ear and sadly, Iris’s.

Kissing her teeth, “Uh, do I need to leave the kitchen or what?” Iris questioned, with borderline annoyance inflected in her voice making the couple pull away.

After stepping back, Giselle sighed with a hand on her forehead while her husband excused himself and exited the kitchen leaving the annoyed Brown sisters.

Squinting her eyes at her Iris, Giselle scoffed and folded her arms. “Oo! Yall lovebirds make me sick!”

“Y’all were lucky mama and daddy’s room was down the hallway otherwise y’all two would be ass out in the street.” Iris cackled, with her head tossed back before she returned back to filling the cups.

With her eyebrow quirked Giselle instantly spat out her rebuttal, “Oh Iris, honey you don’t want to start with me, but since we airing shit out riddle me this.”

“Why exactly did you ask daddy for those batteries today hm? Lying and saying it was for your remote— when we both know it’s for a certain remote alright.”

Folding her arms as her hip poked out, Giselle hummed out as Iris failed to respond leaving her stumbling over her words. “That’s what I thought.”

“So, you what was that bout’ me and Chris again?”


“—you made me happy, this you can bet. You stood right beside me— yeah and I’ll never forget..”

Synchronized dancing and collective singing ranged out of the kitchen and echoed through the rest of the house as Frankie Beverly and Maze’s Before I Let Go played from the speakers. Struggling to squeeze past eachother to put whatever dish they wanted on their plates; the Brown and Hemsworth family crowded the space as they broke up the single-file line.

“What’chu want on your plate baby?”, “Uhh I want that and ham!” Giselle saw Amelia point to the ham and the platter of Devil’s eggs. After putting the food on her plate Giselle went onto making Sienna’s plate before she did her own. Glancing over at Chris while she scooped some green beans on her plate Giselle watched her husband struggle to make his plate.

“Y’know maybe it’ll help if you put her down.”

“Aht! Don’t worry about what we doing, Mia tell auntie to quit worrying about us.” Chris kissed his teeth while Mia drooled and bobbed her fist around before he walked towards the drinks. With her eyes still on Chris, she twisted her mouth around as she saw how her husband has interacted with Mia.

Catching her husband mumble a few words to her niece, Giselle watched Mia’s heavy head drop within seconds before she reached up and gripped Chris’s neckline as she fought from closing her heavy eyes.

Melting at the sight Giselle found herself questioning her decision to hold off on having another baby once more. Exhaling, the actress took her eyes off the two only to glance down at her three brown babies for a second; could she really handle another one?

After she finished making the children’s and her plates Giselle left her kids sitting with their second cousins before she walked outside and sat down at the outside dining table. Settling down next to Chris who still managed to eat his food while keeping Mia close to his chest while responding to her cousin, Kj.

“Aye! Quit naggin’ him Kj! We didn’t come down here to breakdown every Marvel movie.” Giselle rebutted, making her cousin smack his lips while Chris stifled out a laugh. “—and that goes for the rest of y’all.”

“We just wanna know what happens to Thor!”

After finishing their food and feeding baby Mia, the couple’s rest of the evening was spent separated.

With Chris being pulled away by her cousins and siblings, he stayed outside with the men of her family who were laughing and sharing a case of Heineken’s.

Meanwhile, Giselle sat at the kitchen table chatting with her female cousins and younger sister. Gulping down the burgundy beverage the actress laughed at her cousin, “—then Marcus had the audacity to start that ‘I’m tired’ bullshit like man ion’ wanna hear that shit after I’ve been working all day, saddle up nigga!”

“I’m tired of that mothafucka holding out on me then he called himself tryna edge me and shit— I almost choked him when I was able to stand on my feet.”

“I swear I can’t stand that fine ass nigga. Just look at him outside laughing like shit is so sweet; ah hee hee haa haa ass nigga.” Giselle’s cousin, Rachel mocked, before kissing her teeth and throwing her wine back.

Tossing her head back at her cousin’s story Giselle went to bring her glass of Chardonnay to her mouth when suddenly a bitter fluid entered her mouth and began to puddle over her tastebuds. Wincing at the vile taste the actress closed her mouth and harshly swallowed before she started for her glass again.

—but her body had other plans, before Giselle could even lift her hand up by an inch she abruptly tasted the sour fluid back in her mouth followed by the sudden thrust of her food beginning to retrace.

Immediately throwing a hand over her mouth the actress slammed down her wine glass and stood up; spilling and staining the alcohol on the table while her chair screeched from her brisk moves.

Quickly gaining the attention of her family members, “GiGi is everything fine? Sweetheart, you’re looking a little gre—,” before her sister could finish getting her question out Giselle ran to the nearest bathroom.

Reaching the powder room the nauseous woman didn’t even get the chance to turn on the light before she fell to her knees, cradled the toilet and started to release the chunks from her mouth. With the plops of her contents splashing into the water while she threw up, Giselle missed the heavy footsteps coming down the hall before she felt a warm palm on her back.

Heaving against the toilet Giselle fluttered her eyes open and caught her husband kneeling down beside her side while combing her hair into a loose ponytail.

—and right behind Chris stood her mama searching for a washcloth to clean her baby’s face afterward.

“Baby! Giselle are you ok? Look at me.” Beginning to turn her head Giselle felt her stomach jolt and before she knew it she was hunched over the toilet again.

“—shit!” Chris hissed, while he caressed his wife’s back and waited until Giselle was done throwing up.

Hearing Giselle groan as he propped her body up against the wall, Chris moved fast as he flushed the toilet before he grabbed the wet cloth Mama Janice was pushing towards him. Holding her face with his left hand Chris wiped Giselle’s mouth with the other before he folded the cloth and dapped it across her face. “Do you feel better babe? Do you feel like you have to go again baby?” Chris questioned, voice slightly shaking as he stared into her dim eyes.

Watching her head slowly move side to side, the Australian nodded before he helped his wife to her feet only for her knees to starting buckling causing Chris to move on his feet and swiftly pick Giselle up.

“Oh, God!” Mama Janice rasped, as she stared at her oldest daughter before moving to open the door.

“Thanks mama. Hey, uh— can you bring me a can of ginger ale and some of those saltine crackers? Imma go ahead and take Giselle upstairs,” Chris requested.

“Yes, of course honey. Now gon’ and take my baby to her room, I’ll be up there soon.” Mama Janice sassed, before she shooed her son-in-law out the confined space and dismissed the lingering relatives.

Entering the hallway Chris headed towards the staircase when a voice called out to him, “Daddy! Is mommy gonna be okay?” before footsteps followed.

Immediately spotting a confused, but somewhat distressed Amelia coming closer, “Hey! Mommy is gonna be alright yea? She’s just a little sick okay, so why don’t you go with—um,” Chris paused, while he looked up and spotted Iris. “—come with me, baby.”

“Let’s go see what your siblings and cousins are doin’ in the kitchen huh? You feel like coloring Lia’?” Chris heard Iris question, while she walked Amelia away.

Sighing, Chris went on and took Giselle upstairs and got her tucked into the bed. After persuading his wife to sip on the ginger ale, Chris watched Giselle sleep for a minute before he placed a kiss on her forehead and headed out of the bedroom; letting Giselle be.


A daze greeted Giselle as she stirred awake before a yawn rippled her features. Curling up before pushing her arms out the brown beauty slowly propped up on her forearm and blinked while she looked around the bedroom. Noticing the can of ginger ale and pack of saltines, Giselle recalled what happened earlier.

Instantly tasting the bitter residue from earlier she frowned before sitting up, swinging her legs around the bed to brush her teeth. After freshening up for a minute, she reached the bottom of the staircase and went to look for her husband. Following the laughs, Giselle walked into the kitchen and quickly spotted Chris; standing in a corner laughing with Quinton.

Sliding past her family members Giselle reached Chris, “—uh, baby..” She whined, as she playfully nudged her younger brother aside to hug her man.

“Aye!”, “You feeling better baby, hm?” The Aussie asked, before he leaned back and held her face up with his palms on the sides of face. “Much better.”

“Plus, your color came back; you’re not as green.”

Nodding her head, Giselle exhaled before she pouted her lips and blinked up at her husband.

Without a second thought, Giselle felt Chris’s damp lips on hers, “Ugh! Can y’all cut that shit out. Now, I know what Iris was talking bout’— shit that might be why your sick GiGi.” Giselle heard Quinton complain.

Quickly freezing, the couple stared at eachother and let a wave of silence pass by before they busted out laughing, “Puh-lease!” Giselle giggled, before she placed her head back onto Chris’s heated chest.

Little did the couple know that Giselle’s younger siblings were onto something life-changing.

AUTHOR’S NOTE — This was just a quick little wrap up! More Chris and Giselle is coming in a couple of days. Anyways, thanks for reading and supporting!

TAGLIST — @wakandas-vibranium@oceanscorazon@melaninmarvel@wakandamama@storibambino@chaneajoyyy@ashanti-notthesinger@lewatigress@wakanda-inspired@blowmymbackout@theblulife@kreolemami@amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes@lildashofmelanin@iamrheaspeaks@ororowrites@kumkaniudaku@theunsweetenedtruth@s0eul@klaylakayblack@shortstacks-blog@destinio1

A Time To Give Thanks | Chapter 1


CHARACTERS — Giselle X Chris Hemsworth

CONTENT — Pre-Thanksgiving Shenanigans, Family Ties, Soul Food, Tradition and Southern Hospitality

PLOT — The Hollywood couple and their children fly out to Giselle’s hometown for Thanksgiving this year.

NARRATIVE — Theunstablerhythm of the sprinter van speeding over the pavement of the highway greeted Giselle on her journey back to her hometown; Austin.

With splotches of autumn’s color palette speeding past her window, Giselle struggled to capture the essence of the South knowing that she couldn’t come down here as much as she would like.

While the actress fought to inhale the raw scent of Texas in the compacted van, Giselle abruptly felt a rough texture brush against her acrylics before it’s rugged surface touched her smooth palm. Already knowing who’s hand it was the brown beauty let a smirk slowly settle into her face before flicking her chocolate orbs over to stare at the baby blue ones.

Watching the Aussie lift her palm up and ghost his damp lips over the pigmented surface, Giselle gazed up at Chris before she felt his lips press into her skin.

“—I love you.” She saw her husband mouth, before lowering his eyes and breaking their hands to adjust the position of their baby boy sleeping in Chris’s lap.

Slowly gushing at the precious scene, the actress brought her gaze back to the window and pressed her forehead to the glass before dozing off to the sight of the rural scenery and slow rocking.

With an hour and a half passing Giselle’s nap was interrupted by a few soft shakes from Chris, “Wake up baby, we’re here!” She heard the Aussie say, with excitement inflected in his voice. Annoyed at his lack of jet-lag Giselle envied his amount of energy while she sat up and stretched her body as she yawned.

Immediately recognizing the familiarity of her parent’s property she stepped down from the van and helped Chris retrieve their bags while their kids ran off to the front door and pressed on the doorbell; which was guaranteed to gain her parent’s attention.

—and within a couple of seconds, Giselle caught the visual of her mama and papa opening the door with wide arms and matching smiles in her peripheral.

“Wassup boy!” She heard her father greet Julian while scooping him into his arms. Grinning at their interaction, the actress turned around and grabbed her purse to tip the Lyft driver before she heard her parents walk down from the house. Smiling at both of her parents, the couple were welcomed inside of the warm embrace by Mama JaniceandPapa Alex.

“—ah, welcome back honey.” Mama Janice whispered, into her oldest daughter’s ear while swaying her slowly before trading places with her husband; moving her to Chris. Closing her eyes at her father’s poignant scent of sandalwood, Giselle held onto her dad as they caught up and trailed to the house with the rest of the family following.

After parting from the family for a moment, the couple ascended up the stairs to drop their bags off into Giselle’s room while the kids stayed downstairs and played a notorious game of ‘what’s this and that’ with their grandparents. Flopping on the bed Giselle smothered her face with a pillow before letting out a long groan sending the Aussie into a fit of giggles.

“We’re not doing this, babe. Wake up!” The Aussie chuckled, before whipping his hand in the air to slap his wife’s ass while he walked by; putting his clothes into the dresser. “Nooo! Just come lay with me for a quick second.” Giselle whined, as she twisted to her side and stuck her hand out in a ‘grabby’ motion.

Throwing his head back in laughter Chris strolled over to the edge of the bed; flashing his renowned grin, “Just a sec.” before accepting his wife’s hand and plopping beside her. Grinning as she danced in her spot Giselle waited for Chris to get comfortable before getting closer to throw her leg over his torso.

Snuggling her head underneath his neck attempting to enthrall in her husband’s warmth Giselle kissed his skin, but within seconds she became more persistent and ignited a fire deep within her core. Catching his restricted moans trapped beneath his throat made Giselle upset as she frustratedly grunted before climbing ontop of her stern husband.

“Oh, c’mon Chris. You’re killin’ me.” The brown beauty whined, as Chris quit puckering his thin lips.

Slamming his hands ontop of her ass before gripping it, Chris abruptly flipped them and pinned her hands above her head. “Hey! We’re not playing this game.”

Quickly dimensioning his wife’s antics Chris continued, “Our family is downstairs and you’re trying to work me up— but that isn’t happening.”

“However, if you behave the rest of the day, I’ll see about it.” The Aussie recounted, once he saw a pout tugging on Giselle’s lips. “You better keep your word Christopher.” The actress sighed, making the actor briefly side eye her before releasing his grip to get back up and finish putting away his clothes.

Still trying to suppress her emotions Giselle started to close her eyes only for her mother to start yelling, “—GiGi and Chris!” instantly making the actress slam a pillow back over her face and roll over. Chuckling at her actions once more Chris tried to speak through his laugh but was quickly cut off by a loud engine.

Rumbling through the house from it’s extreme horsepower, Chris peeked through the blinds and spotted the 2019 white Jaguar outside. Smirking at the vehicle the actor looked at his wife dramatically laying face down before he spoke up. “—and look at you trying to start something when your brother just pulled up— come down and say hello GiGi.” Chris teased, using her childhood nickname before he dodged a flying pillow as he exited the room.

Dragging herself out of bed Giselle planted her feet on the plush carpet and walked towards her suitcase before opening it and digging for some fresh panties.

After replacing her underwear and splashing some cold water on her face she slumped downstairs and followed the obnoxiously loud voices. Rounding the corner into the kitchen Giselle immediately noticed the crisp fade and dimples imprinted into her baby brother’s skin as he laughed at their mom’s words.

Quinton!” She yelled, before picking up her pace to embrace the six-foot man. “Aye! Wassup G.” Giselle heard her brother say before tossing his arm around her shoulders and leaning down to kiss her temple.

“What’s y’all in here talking bout’ huh?” The actress asked, pulling away as Quinton smacked his lips and shook his head. “Mama in here tryna talk to me bout’ grandkids as if you and Chris aren’t creating the bulk of them.” He shrugged, making his older sister pinch his ear while laughing before he smacked her hand.

“Besides, I’m out here tryna to enjoy everything swinging my way. What other way could I have it?”

Scoffing while she rolled her chocolate orbs, Giselle began to rebuttal, but was cut off by her dad entering the kitchen with Chris strolling right behind him.

“—boy, what did I tell your monkey ass bout’ speaking that way?” Papa Alex warned, before slapping Quinton upside his head. “Shoot, don’t worry Janice by the way this boy is talking you’ll be getting more grandkids.” Papa Alex assured, with a firm headnod before rubbing on his wife’s shoulders.

With a collective laugh echoing through the kitchen, the ringing of the doorbell calmed the family before they all walked towards the door with Giselle leading the way. After clicking the locks and stepping back the actress squealed as she saw her baby brother and sister-in-law, baby sister and niece; smiling.

Ushering them in Giselle exclaimed, “Ah! I’ve missed y’all!” while rocking her brother, Niel side to side before embracing her sister-in-law, Elianna.

“—and look at this belly!” The actress gasped, while she rubbed on Elianna’s nine month belly. “You look like you’re bout’ to pop any second. Oo, you need to get in the house and rest those feet!” She directed, with a wave as they walked into the living room.

After getting her sister-in-law settled, Giselle pivoted around to face her baby sister, Iris who was keeping an eye on her daughter, Mia who was trailing drops of drool on the carpet while she struggled to crawl towards her cousins playing with their toys.

“Aw, look at you baby sis! You’re growing up on us.” She cooed, as they both moved forward to embrace.

“Oh, I can’t lie. I’ve missed you, G.” The brown beauty heard her sister mumble before pulling back. Putting a gentle hand on her shoulder, Giselle flashed her a warm smile before moving to pick up her niece.

“—and look at this cutie getting bigger and bigger everytime I see her.” Giselle gushed, as she tickled her niece immediately making her laugh. Caught up playing with her niece while she chatted with her sister, it wasn’t long before Iris got pulled away.

However, while she stood to the side playing with Mia, Giselle felt her husband’s presence before she felt his hand clutch onto her waist before he joined her in entertaining their niece. While they tried their best to keep a gummy smile on Mia’s face, it wasn’t long before a blinding flash captured their attention.

“Alright, alright! Y’all get together real quick and act like you love eachother,” Mama Janice instructed, as she rounded a couch and swatted her hand around.

While Papa Alex crouched down into a stance with his iPhone between both of his hands, Mama Janice stood next to him and wrapped her arms around her husband’s waist. Watching everyone move in unison she beamed brightly as her children lined up from oldest to youngest; Giselle, Niel, Quinton and Iris.

As tears lined her eyes, Mama Janice sniffled and pulled away from her husband before echoing a clap through the living room; breaking up the sentimental moment and gaining everyone’s attention before she spoke, “Alright now, it time for us to get to cooking!”


The sound of the green beans bubbling from the deep pot over the stove followed by the provoking smell of the glazed ham escaping the oven filled the house. With the women preparing the food, the men cracked opened a couple of beers and bonded over a game of pool while Elliana relaxed in the living room and chaperoned the children who stared wide-eyed at the tv showing the Live-Action Lion King.

Located in the nucleus of it all, stood Giselle over a cutting board as faint sounds echoed around her.

Flexing the knife in her hand, the actress sliced the skin from the sweet potato and placed the vegetable into a bowl before repeating the action. While Giselle worked on the sweet potato pies, Mama Janice tried to focus on crafting the Brown’s special family mac & cheese but was constantly stopped by Iris’s whining.

“—c’mon mama! Just lemme help out Giselle with the pies or start on the dressing.” Iris complained, instantly making Giselle and Janice both exclaim, “No!” causing Iris drop a fork back into the sink.

Hearing her youngest sister smack her lips and frown, Giselle joined her mother in laughter. “Girl, now you know you can’t cook— shit you can’t even make koolaid for God’s sake!” The actress struggled to say, before she let her laugh interrupt her speech.

“Aye! Stop all that cussin’ in my house.” Mama Janice scolded, with a grin across her face as she walked over and pinched Giselle’s side. “Now, your sister does have a point Iris. Do you remember last year when I let you cook the dressing? Sweetheart..”

“—it had no flavor! Had the dressing tasting like Chris made it.” Giselle cackled, making her hunch over and hold her belly. “Which is why I thought dishes and stirring the pot sufficed this year.”

“Aw, honey. Cooking just isn’t in your favor and that’s okay, but I tell you what— you can always bring the styrofoam plates and drinks like your brothers.”

Caressing Iris’s face while she talked, Mama Janice flashed Iris a comforting look before returning to her dish. Leaving Giselle giggling to herself, she saw Iris mugging her before slowly pivoting back to the sink.

As time elapsed and the majority of the main dishes were either marinating or sizzling in the oven; the three women took the time to chat and unwind.

“—she’s starting say little words here and there and it’s just the cutest thing— here lemme show y’all.” Iris cooed, as she pulled out her phone and gushed over short clips of baby Mia.

After watching a couple of videos of Mia babbling, Giselle slowly dropped her smile and exhaled as she sat back and raised the large glass of wine to her lips.

“Now, what’s the matter with you? Y’know I thought you would be waddling around here just like Elianna.”

Turning her attention towards her mother Giselle lightly shrugged before speaking up, “I don’t know, I’ve been in such a weird space lately— I mean y’all know how I am about wanting to space my kids out, but I guess not being pregnant is effecting me.”

Interrupting her speech with a sip of Chardonnay, Giselle twisted her mouth around before dropping her eyes to the quartz countertop. “I thought I was ready to continue my life and career without having another baby, but I guess not y’know? This is the one time where I have everything lined up— the children are happy and thriving, my film schedule is booked and very much busy until 2022, and Chris is home and understanding of my decision, but I just feel stagnant; almost like I’m missing something.”

“I just ugh— I don’t know if this is really what I want. I thought I wanted to be in control of my life but God sure knows how to laugh at my plans.” The actress weakly joked, before finishing off her white wine.

“Well— um, maybe Mia and I can come visit you soon, I’m sure she’ll cure your baby fever right up.” Giselle heard her baby sister suggest, bringing the lighthearted air back into the conversation making Giselle bring her eyes up and send her a smirk while nodding her head. Watching her daughters discuss plans for Iris’s next trip to Giselle’s, Mama Janice kept her squinted eyes on her oldest daughter.

Taking notice of the fullness of her chin, slight swelling of her nose, but overall newfound radiant complexion made Mama Janice abruptly quirk her eyebrow before laughing to herself at her daughter’s oblivion. Entertaining her kids conversation for a hot minute, she waited until the clock reached ten before she interrupted her daughters. “—well ladies it’s time for mama to go on and get her rest for the morning, make sure y’all turn off the stove and oven before y’all go to bed tonight.” Mama Janice instructed.

Nodding their heads they both said their ‘goodbyes’, “Don’t stay up to late y’all,” Mama Janice advised as rounded the table and kissed their foreheads, “—and I’ll take this.” She said, snatching Giselle’s glass and bottle of wine before waltzing out of the kitchen.

“Mama took my Chardonnay.” Giselle whined, with a pout on her lips leaving Iris giggling and slightly tipsy.

“—well, cheers.” Iris announced, with her glass raised high into the air before chugging the rest of her wine.


While Giselle and Iris continued to catch up as they supervised the green beans, time elapsed to eleven o’clock which sent Papa Alex to join his wife upstairs; immediately causing the men to disperse throughout the house. With Neil, Quinton and Chris barging into the kitchen it wasn’t long before the Aussie started yawning and headed upstairs after relieving a tired Elliana; leaving the kids following behind him and Neil and Quinton at the table with their sisters.

“—we’ll your the one who almost gave daddy a heart attack when you brought Chris home, remember?”

Smacking Iris’s arm the brown beauty scoffed, “GiGi had mama hoopin’ and dad hollerin’.” She heard Niel added, making Quinton topple over in laughter.

“—and now they can’t get enough of eachother,” Giselle included, “plus my babies helped ease their relationship. Now, dad talks to Chris more than me!”

“Oo, don’t even talk about babies around me!” Niel rasped, before throwing back his shot of tequila and slamming down the glass. “Elliana has had me on my toes for the last three weeks and I can’t take this shit anymore; can she hurry and have the baby already?!”

Twisting their lips around, Giselle and Iris flashed their brother a look a sympathy while Quinton licked his fingers and smacked on the leftover buffalo wings from dinner. Cutting her eyes at Quinton, Giselle tried to help ease Niel’s mind. “Trust me I know all too well what Elianna is going through, but all you gotta do is continue to support her. There’s are drastic changes happening to her body and mind as the due date approaches, you just gotta keep being patient.”

“—Elianna needs your support as much as possible right now and despite her protests just knowing that your around will do more than any of your words will; you’re going to be fine.” Giselle reassured, while she leaned over and pulled her brother into a side hug.

“Now, did you ask daddy or Chris for advice?”, “Yea, and you already know dad said what he could from twenty-something years ago— from Iris’s age.” He snapped out, as he remembered his little sister’s name quickly making her drop her grin and mug.

“—but Chris actually told me something similar from what’chu said.” He admitted, as he bumped into her making Giselle beam before dropping her eyes.

“Aw, y’all look at GiGi tryna blush. Now y’know we too black for allat!” Quinton taunted, “Look, don’t start with me, Q. You needa find somebody to make your dumbass smile.” Giselle rebutted. “Right! What happened to what’s-her-face from last year? Ion’ see her running behind you no more.” Iris asked, with a smile pulling her lips as she poorly hid her urge to laugh. “Man, ain’t nobody studyin’ Mya ol’ ass.”

Switching the conversation from Quinton’s love life to his bubbling career in Hollywood, he excitedly told his family the amount scripts emailed to his manager as the series finale of How To Get Away With Murder approached. With congratulations following his news the celebration continued as Iris admitted to starting the process to her second hair salon and boutique in Houston after the relaunching of her online website.

While congratulatory shots and food were shared amongst the siblings, sleep began to call Giselle’s name after she turned off the stove and oven.

After departing from her brothers and sisters with a ‘goodbye’ Giselle went upstairs and turned to go into her bedroom before pivoting around as the faint, but familiar New Orleans styled theme music resounded from the children’s room. Approaching the bedroom Giselle paused at the adorable sight of her husband slumped in a chair cradling Mia as they both slept.

Noticing her three little ones knocked out in the bunk beds as she walked deeper into the bedroom, Giselle grabbed the remote and turned off The Princess and the Frog before she went to grab Mia only for Chris to wake up and clutch tightly onto her small frame.

Laughing at his reflexes, “—hey, relax Chris. I’m taking baby Mia back to her mama. Now go to the bedroom and get in the bed; you’re tired babe.” She advised, while sliding her niece out of his arms and into her own before she returned Mia back to Iris.

Stopping back at the kid’s room Giselle climbed up the bunk beds to adjust their wild positions and give them their goodnight kiss before she returned to her bedroom. Instantly hearing the rush of water coming from the bathroom caused an immediate grin to play on the lips of the brown beauty as she stripped out of her clothing and sauntered to the shower. Seeing the silhouette of her husband’s body behind the frosted glass, Giselle licked her lips and cursed, “Damn.” before she pulled on the handle to step inside.

With an abrupt thrust of cool air filling the shower, Giselle’s arrival quickly caught the attention of her husband. Watching Chris turn around, the actress held a flustered expression as she timidly dragged her gaze from her husband’s dangling manhood.

“—y’know something told me that you’d be joining me.” The Aussie smirked, while strolling away from the shower head and towards his wife; backing her into the wall. With his eyelids lowered from lust and organ spasming upward in need, Chris rushed up on Giselle and cradled the side of her face before his lips met hers. Refusing to gain access to her tongue, the actor started to lower his wet kisses. While he licked his way across her clavicle, Chris began to hear his wife’s moans increase before she rasped, “Fuck!”

Leaning down until he was eyelevel to her breasts, Chris caressed her solid tits and sucked on her dark brown nipples before he dropped down to his knees.

Kissing past her belly button, the Aussie nipped his way down until he reached the bottom of her pelvis.

Clutching onto her hip with his left hand, Chris rested his other around her left ankle before he slowly draped it over his shoulder. Witnessing the intimate spread of her sticky folds caused the actor to lick his lips and flick his eyes up to meet his wife’s lowered ones before he gave her a smile and dived in.

Instantly sending her head back with a soft thump, the Aussie continued to bring his wife to the brim of the sweetest joy until the wee hours of the morning.

AUTHOR’S NOTE — Giselle and Chris are back, again! I just wanted to show Giselle’s family dynamic and do a little somethin’ somethin’ for Thanksgiving anyways, part two is coming in a couple of days!

TAGLIST — @wakandas-vibranium@oceanscorazon@melaninmarvel@wakandamama@storibambino@wakanda-inspired@blowmymbackout@theblulife@kreolemami@amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes@lewatigress@lildashofmelanin@blowmymbackout@ororowrites@brittyevans@kumkaniudaku@s0eul@chaneajoyyy@504queen@theunsweetenedtruth@ashanti-notthesinger@blackreaders-assemble
