#christ on a cracker people





did this person get deleted for saying a member of staff is a Harry Potter fan?

No, this person got banned for saying that liking Harry Potter means the staff member rapes children.

That’s the harassment. Not “[staff] likes harry potter” but “[staff] is a child rapist.”

Liking harry potter and spy x family is the excuse these people used to justifyclaiming a member of tumblr’s staff rapes children.

The harassment is the part where they called a staff member a child rapist. The random nonsense they brought up as an excuse for making such an abhorrent claim is irrelevant.

People are trying to frame this as “saying staff reads harry potter is bannable” but no.

Saying staff rapes kids because they read harry potter is bannable.

As it should be. Because lying about someone raping children because you don’t like what books they readisfucking harassment.

I don’t know how to make this any clearer.
