#christian pulisic one shot


Who:Christian Pulisic x Original Female Character
Disclaimer:I do not know Christian Pulisic or anyone else mentioned in these writings.
Note:Firstly I want to thank @whitemxnswhore for reading this for me before posting it. Thank you so much. Also @neverinadream because let’s be real. It’s Christian, I have to. I hope you all like this!!
Warnings:Don’t read this when you’re under 18. Smut warning (kinda)

Slowly she opened her eyes and for a moment she didn’t know where she was. Disoriented she took in her surroundings. The soft bed on one side of her body, the warm male body on her other side. The sounds of his soft breathing showing that he was still asleep filled the room. A slither of the morning sun peeped through the curtains that hadn’t been closed properly. A content sigh escaped her as she carefully turned around so she could face him.

He looked so carefree when asleep. The expression on his face was a soft one, all the care in the world had disappeared. His curls were flat on top of his head due to the pressure of his head into the pillow. It made her reach over and carefully slipped her fingers through the curls so they got a bit of their messy look back. There. Perfect. The small gesture made him shift in his sleep but he didn’t wake up. The breath that she had held escaped in relief because she didn’t want him to wake up just yet. She wanted to have another few moments to take in the beauty that he was.

His dark eyes were hidden by closed eyelids, his eyelashes resting against his cheeks. Her gaze followed the bridge of his nose down to his lips that were in a slight pout in his sleep. Her fingers softly moved to his jaw, covered in a stubble that she loved so much. The days of him being clean shaven were behind them now for a few weeks and if it was up to her, they would never return again.

She leaned in so she could press soft kisses to his jaw, moving down to his chin and it was only then that he woke up. The rhythm of his breathing changed, he stirred a little and his hand found the skin of her lower back under the fabric of his oversized shirt she was wearing. He softly mumbled something, something she didn’t hear properly and it wasn’t until a soft hum from her side that he repeated himself.

“Mornin’ Y/N”

“Good morning Christian.” The words were whispered, her voice creaking at the fact it was the first thing she said for the day. Christian hummed softly, loving to hear his name coming from her lips in that hoarse voice of hers. He would never be able to get enough of that.

Suddenly he rolled them over so she was laying on her back on the mattress, hiding his face in the crook of her shoulder as his arms were wrapped around her tightly. He could stay like this forever. Her hands found their way into his hair, playing with his curls with one hand, while the nails of her other hand softly moved against his scalp. A groan came from Christian as a sign he liked it.

Y/N had no idea how long they were laying there like that and it didn’t matter. Waking up like this was perfect for her.

Soft kisses were pressed into the skin of her shoulder, his scruff tickling her lightly which caused a giggle to fall from her lips. She felt his lips curve into a smile before he pulled his face away from her and he could look at her directly. He let his forehead rest against hers, his dark eyes locking with hers. “I love you,” he whispered softly, his breath fanning over her own lips and skin, causing a shiver to go down her spine.

“I love you too.” His lips found hers, the kiss was a slow one. One full of passion, just a little bit of need but mostly love. Y/N would nearly call it sensual. Christian moved his body up slightly, pressing his hips against hers. The feeling of his bulge against her own core caused her to whimper into the kiss, allowing him to catch her bottom lip with his teeth and pull back a little. He parted her legs by placing his own between them and they settled in a slow, rocking movement against one another. Y/N felt him grow harder against her underneath the fabric of his boxers as he enjoyed the small sounds spilling over her lips of the stimulation of her covered clit against his thigh.

“Chris,” she whispered softly, her hands gently tugging on his curls so he would look at her again. Not that she needed to say more, he already understood what she was asking of him. He grinded against her with more pressure as an answer, causing a first moan by her to fill the room. “That’s it baby, I love hearing you.” No matter if it were soft noises or loud moans, Christian just loves it all.

One of his hands moved lower, pushing down the panties she was wearing so they would disappear somewhere to the bottom of the bed, he pushed up her shirt and continued moving his hips against hers. His boxers were straining against his hard on and he knew that he would have to get rid of those soon too if he didn’t want to be in discomfort but not yet. After he pushed the shirt up, he brought his fingers up to her lips. Y/N took them into her mouth, sucking on them in the same way she sometimes did when she had his dick in her mouth. Her eyes were locked with Christian’s who groaned at the sight in front of him. “Fuck Y/N,” he mumbled, removing his wet fingers from her mouth and quickly pressing his lips against hers in a needy kiss. His hand moved down her body again, his fingers finding her clit first. He pressed against it softly, making Y/N moan into the kiss before he slid one of his long fingers inside her. He was met with a tight wetness and it was his time to groan, he felt her walls flutter against his finger before he started to move it, quickly finding the one spot he knew would make her crumble underneath him. The gasps that were now continuously spilling from her lips were signs he was doing well. A second finger slipped inside her and Y/N pressed her fingernails into the skin of his shoulder in reaction.

“Chris, babe, please.” Y/N’s voice was reduced to a whimper as she begged him for more. A grin was plastered on his face as he didn’t give in to her begging. Not just yet. Instead he leaned in for one more kiss before he pulled his hand away from her wet core.

She grabbed at his shoulders as Christian brought his fingers to his lips, so he could taste her on his tongue. He softly groaned at the taste, bringing his hand down to his own boxers so he could free his hard length.

“Say it, Y/N,” he whispered in her ear as he settled between her legs.

“I want you inside me. Please.” It made him smile and brought his hand to his length. His tip pressed against her entrance and…

Never had Y/N wished her alarm had gone off at a different time. But today was definitely one of those moments as she suddenly sat up straight in her bed, her alarm sounding through the room to wake her up for the start of the day. Her heart was racing but not just from suddenly waking up, but also from her very vivid dream. It took a moment before everything came flooding back to her. The way the man had been hovering over her, how he had been pressed against her body. How he had pushed her to the brink of an orgasm, how… it had all been a dream.

Even though she knew it was face, her gaze moved to the empty space next to her. Christian was nowhere to be found. “Fucking hell Y/N…” she mumbled softly to herself, burying her face in her hands. She was not supposed to dream like that about her ex-boyfriend.
