

Hey followers, remember this blog? It was a bit dead for awhile but not it’s back. I guess it’s the blog equivalent of a zombie. Except it’s not trying to eat your brain, just give a place to revel in the positives that come where religion ends.

Anyway,I’m taking this over from the fantastic Christiantheatheist. I took it over right before my midterm project’s due so there won’t be a lot of activity for a few days but I promise to get to this within the next week, the atheism tag could stand to see a bit more of the bright side of disbelief.

 Oh also I should probably introduce myself. I’m Colleen and I spend too much time procrastinating on the internet. ’ll post a link to my personal blog in a minute for whoever’s interested. That’s about it.

Submit as you’d like and have a great night!
