#christmas in like a week away



how seventeen spends their christmas


- has a light up christmas sweater with a badly printed reindeer on it

- ended up being in charge of the christmas tree

- got heLLA stressed because of it and wanted it to be perfect

- very picky about the ornaments (only the red ones and some silver and gold)

- almost had a heart attack when jeonghan started juggling the glass ornaments

- gives everyone crappy christmas presents but with good intention


- makes christmas as an excuse to eat as many cookies as he wants

- wanted to decorate the christmas tree but got lazy so he just told the rest of the group what to do while he was lying around

- doesn’t even try with christmas presents

- like you’re lucky if you even get one

- if anything it’s a gift card

- maybe a scarf or glove he picked up in the dollar store on the way

- tricked mingyu into letting him taste test all of the food before everyone else


- has unique and personalized gifts for every family member

- stresses out on gifts 3 months before

- likes to play soft instrumental christmas carols in the background all the time

- makes everyone sing silent night at least three times

- also the one who steals the cookies

- wanted an angel on the christmas tree instead of a star but no one let him

- so he switched it himself in the middle of the night when no one was looking


- probably has mistletoes on every corner of the house

- gives you the look if you end up under it

- seungcheol took some away when it started getting to much but he just went and bought even more

- a SUCKER for rudolph the red nose reigndeer

- cries when rudolph gets bullied

- “wait until santa adopts him little bitches, who’s gonna be the winner then HUH”

- probably one of the only ones getting drunk that night

- also probably twerks to jingle bells if he did get drunk

- highkey regrets everything he’s ever done when he wakes up and decides to make everyone late christmas cards as an apology

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