#christy thanks





Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x f!Reader

Word Count: ~3.7K

A/N: it’s over 2 weeks late, but hey, it’s better late than never, right? Happy belated Valentine’s Dayyyy lmaoo

Warnings: fluff, 18+, smut (teasing Ransom, sub!Rannie boy [just a little], use of sex toys [dildo & vibrator/masturbation sleeve], lingerie, blow job/hand job, voyeurism(?), nicknames, female masturbation, dirty talk, unprotected sex, riding, creampie), NSFW, minors DNI

Summary: You are thinking of being in charge for the first time on this Valentine’s day.

For this Valentine’s Day, you wanted to try some new things with Ransom. You love having him being the one who takes charge and being the dominant one, but sometimes, you just wondered what it would be like to see him being teased; so, you wanted to be the one in charge this time. Even though you were a little nervous and shy about this, you bought him something that you wanted to use on him for this special day (and hopefully many other days after this).

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Ugh I love me a needy and desperate subby!Ran!! This was so good and so hot!

yesss needy little subby ransom just unleash that side of us Thank you so much for reading and reblogging I’m so happy that you enjoy this




Pairing: Soft!Ransom Drysdale x Reader

Word Count: 687

A/N: soft ransom is MY EVERYTHINGGGGGGGG❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I just love him so muchhhhh[gif credit to @forchrisevans]

Warnings: fluff, soft!ransom, softness (like so soft), nickname

  • coming home to him is always one of your best parts of the day
  • being alone with him in the comfort of your house always seems to soothe you and make you feel warm and safe and relaxed
  • especially his presence, his voice, and his touch

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No one has my heart like soft Ransom.

SAME!!!! something about soft ransom just makes me melt into a puddle

thank you so much for reading and reblogging!!❤
