#chrollo icons


me arriving from the pits of chrollo brainrot hell to bring you this content:

real talk though, this is where i’ll be posting all my original chrollo edits, screenshots, and thoughts (4 chrollo thots) from now on. I’ve been posting from @howobnoctis but want a more dedicated feed for chrollo content.

I have like 700 screenshots of him from the anime, and video recordings of his every scene in the yorknew arc — so, feel free to send requests! all that content needs to be shared with the world ✝️ (aka all the hours I spent meticulously recording and screenshotting every scene must go to use lmfao)

if something is edited, please credit/tag before reposting or using. if it’s a plain screenshot or unedited recording, feel free to use! I’d love a tag tho bc I’m all eyes and ears for any new chrollo content also, once I have enough posts up, I’ll start building masterlists for easy reference for whatever image of chrollo you need for your projects.

anyway, i’m off to reblog all the chrollo posts from @howobnoctis back to here! feel free to hmu or send screenshot/recording requests!
