

Belly getting fatter, getting red stretch marks under my gut

Slow mo of my body jiggling / me walking

Fat and Wide.

#I Need To Stop Eating So Much

Weight has just been piling on later, I’m showing off my new curves a lot more often, lots have commented on my boob weight gain. My belly presses against every shirt and i have to wear skirts/pants below my muffin top because of how wide I am. My friends have been encouraging my weight gain by supporting me with lots of snacks and soda. My belly’s also indulged with lots of sweets recently, which explains if I look a little rounder.

Fat and tubby. Getting way out of shape, can’t stop stuffing this big belly.

The munchies are getting to my gut (also look how huge my arms are now )

Why did nobody tell me I was getting so big??

Why did nobody tell me I was getting so big??

Looking like such a big fatty with how much my body is expanding
