
Guys!! If you don’t follow Chuck’s blog (and you should) (especially if you’re a w

Guys!! If you don’t follow Chuck’s blog (and you should) (especially if you’re a writer) and if you don’t follow him on Twitter (Twitter is a whole different animal than IG-we have fun) then you might not know that you can follow Chuck here: @chuck_wendig
So jump over there and get a daily dose of Wendig humor.
You all know how much I love the Miriam Black series and my next read is Zeroes! I’ll keep you posted on how I get on with it!
Happy Sock Sunday!!!
#sockswag #socksunday #chuckwendig #chuckwendigbooks #miriamblack #miriamblackseries #twitter #sockfetish #urbanfantasy #urbanfantasynovels #shoutout #authorcrush #booksinbed

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