#cillian murphy smut


So it started out as a one-shot, but in turn it has sort of become a series of stand-alones featuring the same reader, which is why I created a separate masterlist for all one-shots involved in this series. Chronological order of posting is going from top to bottom :) Enjoy

P.S. More parts are in the works :)


1.) Soft (one-shot)

2.) Wrath (one-shot)

3.) Fulfilled (one-shot)

4.) Unbreakable (one-shot)

Synopsis: He was soft as a snowflake with her, but that wrath he had in his veins still remained. Especially towards those who want to harm her.

A sort of a Softcontinuation

Pairing: Thomas Shelby x fem!Reader

Genre: fluff

Warnings: swearing, blood, implied sexual assault, sexy times (just a lil bit smutty), injuries, Y/N being a menace and doing and saying dumb things when she shouldn’t

Wordcount: 4486


Wrath was something Thomas Shelby was very familiar with. He felt it course through his veins whenever he saw and had dealings with rival gangs, he felt it overtake his mind whenever a business transaction went awry, and he felt it blind his sight whenever an employee screwed something up, ruining things for him. But never had he felt such absolutely consuming rage as he did when he came back home, entered his room, and found it trashed with blood spatter on the windows, mirror, and his marriage bed without his wife anywhere in sight.  

He knew someone had taken her. He`d gotten threats about it before, and although he didn`t think anyone would be stupid enough to actually go through with them, he`d increased the security around her. That is on top of the security measures he`d taken after what had happened at the charity ball where Y/N had ended up taking a bullet to the shoulder. It seemed that not only would he have to kill whoever took her, but also the imbeciles who hadn`t done their jobs.  

She`d put up one hell of a fight, that was visible as day, but he didn`t expect anything less from her. A week after he`d taken her home from the hospital, she`d snuck out of the bed, despite being under strict orders from the doctor (whom Tommy, for the first time in his life, listened to and enforced fully), was by the stove and cooking herself some lunch.  

Y/N had swatted at him with a ladle where the soup was boiling as he rushed to pull her away. “I`m hungry.”  

“It`s why I pay for a fucking chef!” Tommy exasperated. “Where even is he?”  

“Don`t know, and don`t care.” She huffed. “I want food right now, so I`m making it.”  

“No, you are going back to bed.”  

His wife snorted and placed a hand on her hip, fully turning to face him. “You know what, I think I’m starting to agree with the people who say a woman’s place is in the kitchen. It’s where we polish our knife skills so, later on, it’s so much easier to cut up our nagging husbands.”  

She had seeped so much into Tommy’s being, his eye roll could now rival hers. “How about a concerned husband whose wife got shot three weeks ago?”  

“Exactly,” Y/N said with a smile. “I got shot three weeks ago. Not you. So I get to do whatever I want, and if that includes making fucking soup, you have no choice but to let me.”  

The two stared at one another, Y/E/C stubborn eyes into the piercing blue of Tommy’s. If it had been a tug of war, the rope would have snapped in half because of the evenly matched tension.  

“That’s it,” he huffed and quickly picked Y/N up bridal style before she could do anything, the ladle dropping on the floor.  

“Wha - but my soup!” she whined, placing her chin on Tommy’s shoulder as he took her upstairs. Even though he couldn’t see the pout he knew it was there.  

Tommy puffed and shook his head, entering their room and gently placing Y/N in the bed. Although she no longer had the full wrap around her body, the doctor still recommended for the wound to be wound under a gauze, and every evening he made sure to clean the stitched-up skin before putting a fresh covering over it.  

As she scowled, he tucked his wife under the covers, placing both her and his pillows under her head, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at her face.  

“I’ll make you your soup.” He pecked her lips, and she reciprocated but made a face at him. “What?”  

“You can’t cook. That’s why you hired a chef.”  

He pointed a stern finger at her. “I will make you your god damned soup, and if it tastes like ass, that’ll be your punishment for getting out of the bed.”  

“God, you’re horrible,” Y/N groaned, but there was a smile on her lips. “I have married a monster who loves to torture me.”  

Tommy leaned over her body, hands braced by her head as his mouth skimmed over hers, making Y/N choke on a breath. “Oh, you have no idea what kind of torture I can put you through. When that shoulder of yours heals, I’ll show you just what I think about doing to you.”  

She looked properly frustrated, and even with the duvet covering her, Tommy saw her start rubbing her thighs together and being still pissed off about her getting out of bed, he leaned down and sucked a bruise on her collarbone just to prolong her agony. When her hands started threading through his hair, he pulled himself away before strutting out the door, but not closing it, so he could hear every single movement she made.  

“You are fucking evil!” Y/N screamed after him with a groan.  

“Yeah?” he yelled from the kitchen. “Just wait until you get your fucking soup!”  

However, midway through making it, Tommy had to turn the flame off and rush back up to their room as the tightness in his pants had grown to an uncomfortable level, throwing the covers off her wife’s body, raising the slip she had on and then eating her out like a starved man.  

Her broken moans were a new symphony for him, something he’d never heard before, but would raise hell and tear down heaven for them to never end. It was blissfully quick, how fast they came, despite him trying to drag every second out; both of them had been so wired up, five minutes was enough to have stars dance behind their lids.  

As Y/N panted, one hand thrown over her eyes, Tommy placed sweet kisses to the insides of her thighs, and then swiftly but tenderly cleaned her up with a warm cloth as well as changed out of his now stained underwear and trousers.  

“What was that?” she asked. “First you tell me off while I’m standing, mind you, by the stove for getting out of bed, but then you push your tongue as far as it can go in my cunt? What happened to no strenuous activities until the doctor says so?”  

A smirk was now etched on his still cum covered face, as he placed a cigarette between his lips and lit it, blowing a stream of white smoke in the air. “For one, I just simply couldn’t wait any longer to do that.” He sat down on the bed next to her and raised her leg to rest on his shoulder so he could kiss her calf. “And two, I’ve decided on a new rule, since you’re so eager to disobey – you do something you’re not supposed to – I eat you out. You follow the rules – I eat you out, but twice as long.”  

Y/N snorted, eyeing him up and down. “Seems like a win-win to me.”  

“Ah, but here’s the kicker.” Tommy took one last drag of the cigarette and extinguished it in the tray on the bedside table. “You disobey, I get to eat that pussy for as long as I want, but you are not allowed to cum. Got it?”  

His wife scoffed and rolled her eyes. “You are one cruel man Thomas Shelby. But if you want me to listen to you, you better get that soup here as quick as you can. Otherwise, I might do something that’ll get me punished.”  

Tommy’s eyes glinted like the devil’s. “Seems like a win-win to me.”  

In the present though, he was a tornado in the room, trying to find any clue as to who had been the one to execute this plan. There was a lot of blood, but he hoped that not all of it was Y/N`s, otherwise he feared, by the time he came for her, she might`ve died from the loss of it.  

Right as he tossed over the mattress, he saw something glinting on the carpet. Leaning down he picked up a golden circle and twisted the ring around. It wasn`t one his, nor was it Y/N`s wedding ring, that being the only piece of golden jewellery she`d ever wear as she preferred silver.  

“Well, you gave me a silver fucking engagement ring,” she`d scoffed at him one time while the two were laying naked in bed. “And I can`t take that off, so I have to match everything else to it. `S your fault.”  

“Yes, of course.” Tommy rolled his eyes. “Everything is my fault.”  

“Well, this is.” She extended her left hand up and wiggled her fingers, the single diamond in the centre of it glinting in the soft candlelight. Slowly, he`d dragged his palm up the inside of her arm before entwining his hold with hers, bringing their linked hands down for him to kiss.  

“Do you regret it, though?” His voice had been low, words whispered in the skin of her shoulder where a light star-shaped scar was the only reminder of the day he realized he was in love, as he rested his head against her chest. “Marrying me. Do you regret it sometimes?”  

Y/N sighed looking up at the ceiling. “I regret a lot of things, some of which were always out of my control, yet I still can’t help but wish I could’ve done something to prevent them. But no. I don`t think so. At least there hasn`t been a moment up until now which would make me feel this way.”  

“Really?” The word was laced with so much hidden fear, for a moment Y/N didn`t recognize the Tommy she`d grown to know and love.  

Gently she cupped his cheek and pulled him closer so she could plant a delicate kiss on his lips. “Really. I love you. As you said in the hospital – you weaselled your way into my heart, and now I cannot imagine my life without you. Also, if you’re worried about that little thing,” she motioned with her head to her shoulder. “It just gives me plenty of blackmail against you because I know you feel guilty, so I can ask anything from you.”  

Tommy’s deadpan face was good, but it couldn’t cover the smile Y/N knew was hiding underneath. “You might not regret this, but I am starting to.”  

She just chuckled. “No, you’re not.”  

“No, I’m not.” And then he kissed her breathless.  

So now, as he twirled the ring between his fingers, he hoped it would lead him to his wife, but for forty-eight hours it had brought no fruits. It had no insignias or sigils, no carvings or any distinguishing marks he could use to discover who’d ordered the kidnapping.  

He had his men trail every possible enemy but to no avail, and it filled him with such rage he was ready to tear down England if he had to, staring with Birmingham itself and ending with the King’s castle.  

“Tommy,” John started as he walked inside his brother’s office where he had been cooped up for the last half-day only to be met by a flying glass of whiskey, and he barely got out of the way before it smashed against the mahogany doors. “The fuck is wrong with you?” John screamed.  

“The fuck is wrong with me?” Tommy sneered. “Let me think – my wife is missing, someone could be torturing her, while I’m stuck in the fucking betting shop looking over numbers I couldn’t care less about! That’s what’s fucking wrong! And people,” he pointed at John. “Keep fucking interrupting me without jackshit of worth to say so unless you have some-”  

“We found her!” John matched his tone interrupting his brother mid-rant.  

Tommy`s world stopped at those words, and his own answer was a whisper, almost not believing what his brother was saying. “You found her?”  

“Yes.” John nodded. “So do you want to keep looking over the books or -,” but John didn`t get a chance to finish as Tommy had stood up and was rushing out the door before him.  

“How’d you know it’s her?” he asked, quickly slipping in the car as Arthur pressed down on the gas.  

John snorted. “Talked to some old lady who complained about hearing some woman ‘swearing up and down a storm’ a couple of nights ago. Said she’d never heard such crude words come out of a woman’s mouth, and that she was more a sailor than a proper girl.”  

Tommy nodded. “Yeah, sounds like her.”  

Arthur cut the Bentley’s lights as they arrived near the warehouse, and so did the caravan of cars behind them, before stopping and quietly exiting.  

It was swift after that, as everyone assumed their positions, some of the Blinders climbing up on the roof to lay fire from up above while Tommy and the rest snuck inside the place.  

There were no guards or lookouts, which meant whoever was in charge of the operation was incredibly stupid, but for a moment he thought they were at the wrong place, as everything was dead silent until he heard a far-off echo of a familiar scoff.  

As he trailed after the sound, his wife’s voice became clearer and clearer as did a deep man’s one, his New York accent pushing through every syllable.  

Tommy hadn’t even thought it could be an American, he hadn’t had any dealings with the overseas people yet, the only person he knew who he had a clear connection to was…  

And that’s when it hit him. Only one person would hold such a personal grudge against him. After all, when all the lies had come to light, he’d banished her from the town and threatened to put a bullet between her eyes himself if she did come back. He just never thought Grace would find some lapdog to come and have him get her revenger for her.  

When he rounded the corner, Tommy finally, after two excruciating days, laid eyes on Y/N.  

She was bloodied, beaten, face swollen and almost unrecognizable, had it not been for the wrathful look in her Y/E/C eyes, Tommy wouldn’t know the woman sitting in the chair. He wasn`t going to lie – he definitely got hard at the way his wife was glaring at her captor, murderous intent in that blood-shot gaze while he circled her like a bee around a hive.  

“He`ll come for you,” she said, voice steady and sure.  

The man snorted and leaned down to face her, tilting his head to the side, his tone as if he was explaining simple math to a child. “That`s what I’m counting on.”  

“Then you`re even more fucking stupid than I thought.” Y/N chuckled and shook her head.  

Had she not looked half-dead, Tommy would`ve been proud of her standing up for them, but in this case, it made him sigh and grit his teeth, as even while being tied to a chair in just her slip, the fabric half-ripped and slashed, and he was very sure she probably had broken ribs as well - even in a moment like this, she just couldn`t keep her tongue behind her teeth. And then her eyes snapped at where he was hiding behind the corner and she winked.  

Of fucking course Y/N knew he was here. She was probably riling the man up because she knew Tommy was just right around the corner. She was gonna give him a heart attack one day. Tommy used to think he`d die at the barrel of a gun, but nope, it was going to be his wife and her seeming need to piss off every other gangster around them no matter what the situation was.  

“Yeah, the only thing I care about is him watching the life in your eyes die, but maybe while we wait…” The man turned towards Y/N and slowly started to unbutton his trousers. “We could have some fun? I`m sure Tommy won`t mind I use his whore for a bit. Has he stuck his prick in all your holes? Should probably experience some real pleasure before I put a gun between those lips and blow your brains out.”  

Tommy`s blood was cold in his veins, his vision now completely tunnelled in on the two bodies barely fifty feet away. Grace would suffer more than she ever had.  

With barely contained rage, he watched the scene unfold, his hands shaking, just itching to take the gun and bust the guy`s kneecaps, but John hadn`t given him the sign he was in position. Y/N cocked her head and eyed her captor up and down with a withering gaze.  

“Yeah, hard pass.” She crossed her legs, invertedly making the slip rise up her thighs, but the message was clear. “Besides, whatever you have hanging between those cheeks, could never compare to Tommy.”  

The man chuckled, unbuttoning the last of the buttons. “You`ve got a mouth on ya, don`t you? Don`t worry.” He put a hand on the back of Y/N`s head. “We`ll put it to good use for at least once in your sad life.”  

Tommy averted his gaze from the scene as something shiny caught his eyes as John flashed his watch, and Tommy nodded he`d seen it. He looked at Y/N. She was staring right back at him. She nodded as well.  

Right as the man was about to pull down his underwear, all hell broke loose, starting with his wife, who sprung up from her seat with the rope that’d been tied around her hands sawed in half more towards her left wrist, as she kicked the guy in the nuts and twisted the rope around his neck.  

Every Blinder that’d entered along with Tommy and his brothers, burst from behind crates and corners, guns levelled at the single man kneeling before his wife, as he choked for a breath.  

She was in such a trance, she didn’t hear nor notice Tommy step behind her and whip his coat off and around her, but he didn`t expect Y/N to try and fight him as she kicked and swatted at him, letting the man fall to the ground gasping which prompted John to kick him in the back of the head, knocking him out.  

“It`s me!” he yelled at his wife, while his brothers with the help of some other Blinders dragged the unconscious body out to be dealt with later. “Fucking quit it, will you?! It`s me!”  

“Tommy?” Y/N stopped struggling and looked at him while he covered her shoulders with the coat.  

“Yes, fucking Tommy, so will you stop trying to scratch my eyes out?”  

“Well, what do you expect me to do?” She waved her hand around. “I`ve been held captive for like two days and suddenly a bag is being pulled over my head!”  

“It`s not a bag!” Tommy held on the lapels of the piece of clothing. “Just put on the damned coat.”  

With a huff she grabbed at the front of it like she’d done so many times to Tommy to pull him down for a kiss, carefully sliding one arm in before Tommy took hold of the back of it and helped Y/N put the other one in as well. He could see her wincing in pain, and was pretty sure her ribs were at least bruised if not cracked or broken, so he mentally checked off a list as to what he had to do to Grace when he tracked her down.  

“Did you bring me any shoes?” Y/N dug around his coat’s pockets and found the leather gloves he preferred, slipping them on her smaller hands.  

Tommy rolled his eyes. “I was more preoccupied with trying to find and save you, than choosing which of your fashion accessories to bring along when I did.”  

Y/N pointed an accusatory finger at him. “If I catch a cold because of you, you will be the one taking care of me, not Ada or Polly. And I`m a horrible patient… Fashion accessories my ass.” She grumbled out the last bit as she buttoned his coat over her body.  

“Yes, I know.” Tommy wrapped his hand around her waist mindful of her injuries. “I had to take care of you after you got shot, remember? A bloody nightmare you were.”  

But he didn`t let her reply with whatever kind of witty remark was already on her tongue as he pressed his lips against hers. He hadn`t been able to kiss her for two days, so he put all of the ferocious love he had for her in his heart into that kiss.  

She hummed into the feeling of his lips on hers, hands weaving in his hair despite her body screaming at her, scratching at the nape of his neck before letting out a small hiss, her busted mouth being a pain, but Tommy’s tongue quickly rushed out to soothe the pain.  

“Tommy?” Y/N whispered after she pulled away for a breath.  

“Yeah, love?” His hands cupped her cheeks while she looked up at him with blown pupils.  

“You`ll always catch me, right?”  

His brows furrowed at her question. “Of course, I will.” He muttered, pecking her mouth. “Always.”  

“Good, good…” She nodded before rapidly blinking a few times. “Cause I`m about to pass out.” And then she promptly did. Her legs gave out underneath her, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.  

“Shit!” Tommy exclaimed as his hands went under her arms, before hoisting her up in his hold bridal style almost at the last second.  

Tommy sighed, looking down at her. She was now covered in his large coat, while he placed his peaky cap over her ears for warmth. “What am I going to do with you?” he mumbled more to himself than her, but Y/N nevertheless hummed in response slowly coming to, but Tommy didn`t dare put her on the ground. He`d carry her through fire if needed.  

“Love me,” she mumbled.  

A smile came on his face. “Already do.”  

“Feed me,” she continued, and Tommy snorted.  

“Will never be able to fill that void in your stomach.”  

Y/N sighed and opened up her eyes to look at him. “And never leave me.”  

Tommy shook his head. “Wouldn`t ever even dream of doing such a thing, but Y/N, I think I know who did this.”  

She hummed nodding her head and snuggling closer to his chest. “I think I do too. That ex of yours – Grace.”  

“How’d you figure it out? Was she here?” Tommy’s blood was boiling just at the thought of the blonde snitch being anywhere near Y/N, let alone harming her. “I swear if she did anything to you, she’ll be wishing for death.”  

By that point, he’d exited the warehouse and was gently placing Y/N in the back seat of the car, laying her head in his lap, as disorientated Y/E/C eyes stared at him. She shrugged. “It wasn’t that hard to figure it out. Between the American accent and how he tried to be clever and slip in conversation that “I could never be as graceful of a woman as I should”, it took me like a minute. Also, when I ripped off a ring from a chain he had around his neck, and he realized it, he went mental and started screaming he was going to propose to her with it.” Y/N winced as she shrugged. “This was apparently supposed to be some demented engagement gift.”  

“I’ll kill them,” Tommy whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll find Grace and make her watch as I kill the guy first, and then I’ll kill her. Or you can if you want.”  

Neither had noticed that the car was already moving and Arrow House had come in view, let alone that it had stopped, and Tommy’s brothers had exited to give them a little bit of privacy, already knowing Polly and Ada were in the house, and fussing would start when they’d see the state Y/N was in.  

After her getting shot, the matriarch of the Shelby clan had slowly started to become more friendly to Y/N. During their tea evenings, they were cordial but mostly had small talk. But afterwards, they talked about everything and anything, and Polly even sometimes re-laid Y/N’s ideas during family meetings when she was off doing her own thing at the printing press or her office of the publishing house Tommy had helped her establish to specifically take on female writers.  

“Funnily enough, I don’t want either of them dead,” Y/N said, cupping Tommy’s cheek and rubbing her thumb along his sharp jawline. “But I want them to suffer for an eternity. So leave them alive.”  

He couldn’t understand her train of thought. “Why?”  

“Because they failed, Tommy,” Y/N explained.  

“They might try again.”  

“And they’ll fail again if they do.” She pulled him down by his shirt and gave him a quick kiss. “I know you want to hurt them because they hurt you, but -,”  

“No, I want to hurt them, because they hurt you,” Tommy interrupted her. “In fact, I want them to bleed dry… but… if the Mrs. says I can’t…” He let out a sigh as if the next words were physically painful for him to say. “Then I won’t.”  

Y/N rolled her eyes, slowly staring to sit up, Tommy’s steady hand on her back to help however he could. “I’m not saying you can’t. I’m saying you shouldn’t because now for the rest of their miserable lives they will live with the knowledge that we’re together, and we’re happy. We’ll be on their minds twenty-four seven without a break. We don’t need to hurt them to ruin their lives.”  

Tommy’s eyebrows were furrowed, as he pushed a dirty strand of hair behind her ear. Despite her state, she was still the most beautiful woman he’d laid his eyes on and had had the privileged to lay with. “When did you become such an expert in revenge?”  

“When she tried to take me away from my family.”  

He’d never been more grateful for Grace breaking his heart than in that moment, otherwise, he wouldn’t have met the love of his life.  

And a few weeks down when Y/N was healed, just some small aches in her body a reminder of what had happened, and they’d seen Grace through the windows of the Garrison, he couldn’t help but smile at the woman, while his wife shot her a devious wink before emptying her gin and tonic and pressing her lips against his in a kiss. When they pulled away and looked at her, Grace’s mouth was open in shock, eyes brimming with tears as her jaw clenched.

Yeah, his wife was right - this kind of revenge was truly the best as he got to watch Grace’s world crumble while his only grew, a gentle hand placed on his wife’s stomach. Not that either of them knew yet. 

Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take):

Everything tags: @palaiasaurus64@supernaturalbaesduh@breezy1415@thatawkwardlittlefangirl@sea040561@staryeyedgirl@deathbyarabbit@m-a-t-91@maladaptive-ninja-returns@averyrogers83@in-the-end-im-still-trash@gallifreyansass@dewy-biitch@avxgers@unlikelygalaxygiver@magicwithaknife@ollyoxenfrees@bnhvrdy@tvwhoresblog@thatkindofgurl@sj-thefan@lestersglitterglue@im-squished@strangersstranger

Thomas Shelby tags: @datewithgianni@captivatedbycillianmurphy@screemqueen

A/N: This man has me by the ovaries.

P.S. please don’t repost on different platforms without my specific written consent. Reblogs are fine and welcomed
