#cinnamon bone


Alphabetical Reasons to Love Lewis, day 12

Our Lyn is one of the few links that we see to Robbie’s past over the course of the Lewis series. Though her voice is only heard once on Robbie’s answering machine, his one-sided phone calls with his daughter are the tender pulse of the show.  (These calls are often cut or truncated in the PBS broadcast versions, curse you, PBS!) Robbie always worries about his daughter, whether she is a teenage girl playing her music too loud or a grown woman with a bairn of her own.  

In Cherubim and Seraphim, Lyn Lewis is played by a young actress whose name is Cinnamon Bone.  (Mr. Muffinzelda informs me that this would be the tastiest porno name ever.  I responded that I believe a Cinnamon Bone is a churro.)    

In the days of Lewis, she has become a nurse and moved to Manchester.  When Robbie begins to seriously contemplate retirement, it is because Lyn is expecting.  She tries to persuade him to move to Manchester, but he demurs, intrinsically linked to policing in Oxford.  He eventually decides to chuck it when he realizes that his grandson is growing up a stranger.  But when we find Robbie a year later attempting to build a canoe, he is all too quick to trade in his wood glue for a bullet proof vest.  We can only hope that Robbie eventually took grandson Jack out in that canoe!
