#citrus flavored



Hello Spicy Sunday!

Reworked this one:

To get you this one:

Whoops my hand slipped

Hic Sunt Dracones, keep to the safe shores if not sure you can handle less garments.

***Minors DNI***

Edit: It came to my attention that the Devil is missing his forehead markings and the goatee. Let’s think of it as a side effect of the magical collar and not me being hasty, ok?



In case of emergency drop the bell, Sugar.

Full image can be seen here

It contains some harnesses, collars, leashes and a rope to stop a goat from running his mouth consistently. And if you feel this is not your cup of tea, skip this. There is a huge backlog of work on this blog that is for more general public.

MC is quite obscured.

Minors DNI


M6 and Sexy Keepsakes

Here’s a little headcanon of some sultry little keepsakes that I think the M6 would keep on them when they are away from MC. Spicy, of course. 18+, Minors DNI!

  • An enchanted necklace MC helped craft for him that sends delightful tingles through his body when he caresses it. He and MC made matching necklaces together. They combined their powers to imbue it with deeply personal magic. The process of creating it was intensely intimate, involving a union of both the physical and metaphysical.
  • The necklace is fairly subtle in the way it looks, made of moonstone and citrine. The crystals hang on an antique bronze chain that dips low under the collar of his shirt. It pulses a gentle, familiar energy where it rests against his heart. Whenever he travels, he makes sure to wear it. He feels joyously flustered when he remembers the day he and MC created it. He likes to relive that memory a lot.
  • Asra makes sure to wear the necklace every time he communicates with MC via his water skype (I saw someone call it that once and that’s honestly the only way I can think of it now, haha). MC’s matching necklace has a magical connection to Asra’s, which the two can certainly have some fun with…
  • An erotic letter MC wrote her. It’s spritzed with a bit of MC’s cologne/perfume, and the sensual words it contains is enough to make even the most stoic of individuals blush.
  • Nadia keeps it stowed safely away in a secret compartment of one of her pieces of luggage. She pulls it out when she’s by herself in her quarters, lonely in whatever palace she’s traveled to for her diplomatic missions. It renders even her eloquent tongue speechless. She tries to picture what MC was doing just before they wrote the letter. The thought often distracts her during meetings.
  • One evening, Nadia decides to act out a few things that MC wrote in the letter, and then write a response to MC describing everything she felt and all the delightfully naughty things she can’t wait to do to MC when she gets home…
  • A tasteful pinup photo/drawing (depending on if you want a modern AU or not) of MC on the inside lid of his compass. MC bought the compass for him at the market, surprising him with it one morning with the pinup already taped to the inside. Julian keeps the compass on his person at all times.
  • Ooooo boy, does it give Julian a thrill every time he opens up the compass to confirm the direction he’s traveling. In fact, it’s more than a bit distracting. He thinks its quite daring and deliciously risque of MC for gifting him such a thing. A roguish smile always forms on his lips when he catches a glimpse of it. Sometimes, he’ll pull it out of his pocket when he has a quiet moment, just to stare at it.
  • Julian slips away with it, propping it up on his bedside table while he enjoys some much needed alone time. He likes to imagine MC showing up out of the blue on whatever ship he’s sailing on, dressed in the very lingerie they wear in their photo/drawing. He’s antsy to return home to them…

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