#claire deserved better


The world will soon be spared my terrible content for the following reasons

  • Jared leaving changed the dynamic of the show and it still isn’t the same. I miss my tall sexi boi every episode
  • It has repeatedly been established that Shaun’s dad was abusive and his mother enabled the abuse. Trying to retroactively make them sympathetic by showing flashbacks where they were just “ill-equipped” or “misinformed” about Shaun’s autism is gross
  • Using Shaun’s bereavement to introduce a love triangle is some real amateur bs
  • Speaking of which, aside from Claire and Morgan, the women in this show are disposable if they aren’t a romantic interest. Lim, Carly, Debbie, Lea, even Aoki only really get screen time if they are actively a romantic interest. Claire only gets screen time if she’s being traumatised
  • The Coyle storyline. If they didn’t want to continue it they could’ve just ended it after Jared came back but instead they started this whole thread about Claire finding other women he harassed or assaulted to expose him then it was never. mentioned. again.
  • I have literally lost count of how many times doctors have disrespected patients over the 3 seasons. It seems every episode at least one of them is lecturing a patient about their life/medical decisions or telling them their making a mistake/selfish/wasting the hospital’s time. Remember when Neil ignored a DNR???
  • What makes it worse is that the doctors always end up being right so the patients don’t seem to care they were ignored???
  • The show pulls out receipts so selectively. Jared got called out for dismissing Claire’s harassment, Claire got pulled up on treating Lim differently than Melendez (?), and was punished (severely) for going over Neil’s head, but Melendez never faces any consequences for his multiple protocol and HIPPA violations.
  • Also Shaun accused that Muslim patient of being a terrorist (wrongly) after he spent the whole damn episode talking about how unbiased he is and the ending was just like ‘lol xd’
  • Jessica disappeared at the end of season one and, despite being engaged to one of the main characters and a surrogate daughter for another, she has not been mentioned
  • Which also means the hospital doesn’t seem to have legal representation anymore? The legal angles to medical dilemmas were explored throughout season one but it doesn’t matter anymore I guess??
  • The show has a weird thing about pregnant women. I can recall 2 pregnant patients in the hospital and both were like 'I’d rather die than potentially harm the baby’. It feels off and pro-lifey to me.
  • Lim’s friend whose baby had the unexplained head injury had been alone with her baby for weeks, never had a single moment’s break and said “every moment” was a joy. I mean that is the dumbest, craziest shit I have ever heard. Have the writers ever spoken to a parent??
  • Some of these episodes are such a gd mess. “My new wife has a gun which I hate but it’s OK bc tiddays” I mean, what the HELL
  • Morgan trying to take an underage boy to a strip club then flashing him. I know it was supposed to be lighthearted but it’s just inappropriate on so many levels and I didn’t think it was cute. Especially given that last season we got the whole “if the genders were reversed we’d be having a serious conversation” line.
  • The show has touched on some social issues, like unequal access to health care, racism, sexism, but it’s rare and always feels shallow.
  • If you’re gonna do a stereotypical storyline with your characters (Claire is 100% a black woman trope) you have to at least something interesting with it and in 3 and a half seasons they have not
  • Whenever they have someone talk about how autistic people can do the things a neurotypical person can do and should be given the same opportunities, it feels empty knowing that the show cast a neurotypical person as Shaun.
  • The show has repeatedly aligned itself with Autism Speaks
  • The deaths on this show are disproportionately black women.
  • Despite how much this show talks about sex, it’s weirdly sex negative
  • It’s extremely heterosexual. They came out the gate with one or two gay patients and a trans girl in season one and since then it’s been, like, aggressively heterosexual
  • Where is Claire’s friend who is dying of cancer?
  • Where is Neil’s sister?

These are just off the top of my head
