#clarke x raven




femslash february moodboards: princess mechanic summer camp au

when clarke was thirteen, she met the brilliant raven reyes at summer camp, and was instantly enamored by her with and beauty. after declaring themselves best friends, they never leave each other’s side, inseparable. the two ate s’mores by the campfire, snuck out for late-night swimming, and kissed underneath the stars, vowing never to forget each other and parting with promises to write.

raven doesn’t come back the next year, which is a huge loss for clarke. suddenly, camp just doesn’t have the same shine it used to, despite all the wholesome memories she’d made just a year before - not without raven. the year before she begins photojournalism and arts classes at the local community college, she books a job as counselor at the same camp she’d attended in her youth for the extra cash - and, shockingly finds raven there, also an employee. all the ancient, buried feelings flood back to her, and clarke has no power to stop it.


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