#claude fe3h

The only thing better than one braid is all the braids.  Almyran outfit variations for Claude / Khal

The only thing better than one braid is all the braids.  Almyran outfit variations for Claude / Khalid, + hairstyle inspired by “Subtle, Sharp and Dangerous” by foux_dogue on ao3. :D

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Another claude doodle. I knew he only wears one earring, but consider: two! And dangly.

Another claude doodle. I knew he only wears one earring, but consider: two! And dangly.

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OK SO.  This is fanart for an amazing fic called “Suble Sharp and Dangerous” by foux_dogue on ao3, a

OK SO.  This is fanart for an amazing fic called “Suble Sharp and Dangerous” by foux_dogue on ao3, and it can be read here: [link].  It has a darker interpretation of Claude and some stunning worldbuilding for Almyra.

The worldbuilding (and Almyran OCs) they’ve written work so well in establishing their Claude’s character and the cultures in his backstory. Most of the characters on the left belong to them; counter-clockwise from Byleth, we have my interpretation of Claude’s mother, Faheem, Khalil (Claude’s father in the fic), Parvaz, and Medan. Faheem, Parvaz, and Medan are all Claude’s brothers.

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[ID: A pair of flags color picked from Claude. In each pair, the first flag has an image of Claude holding his bow and arrow on it, and the second is the flag alone. The first pair of images is the aroallo flag, and the second is the aromantic flag. End ID.]

Claude von Riegan from Fire Emblem: Three Houses is an aroallo flag and an aromantic flag!

Started this piece after my first golden deer playthrough and only finished it now, happy belated 1 year
