

Genuine Question….

Does anyone else feel like Dom has lost some of her previous confidence since getting back from her travels in Brazil?

Like I know she suffers with anxiety, but it just seems to be hitting her harder since the 5 month travelling break.

Shes seemed really nervous and more lost for words at the recent cons and interviews. Ive just wanted to give her a big hug and tell her all is ok.

Anyone else noticed something like this?

When you make a joke, your girlfriend doesn’t think it’s funny and your friend is over there instigating



You’re welcome.

Elise:You don’t want to be in the middle? Me:Nope.

Kat: Asks for direction (silly vs aggressive). Me:BATTLE

Other bits I remember: They were excited about getting theirlight gay swords. Which was great because I was super nervous and seeing their happy faces help me relax. We did a couple photos, but this is my fav. The only direction I gave was to battle. Kat took this very seriously. Elise and Dom had their fighting stance down. And Natasha well… lol

Bonus #1 - Outtake Natasha’s expression is great


Bonus #2 - Behind the scenes shot from @ConventionsEtc


Bonus #3- During signing, Dom says: “I’m sorry it’s coming out of my vagina.”



also shout out to @foomatic for all her great vid work and bts footage. i don’t know how you didn’t trip boarding the escalator backwards lol.

xo •xoxoxo •x

I have many skills. Also a really good handler who told me when I was close. I’m actually surprised I didn’t trip and fall with all the backwards walking. I think I could do the whole walk from the green room to the backstage door with my eyes closed.

you did great! one of my fav bts moments is natasha fearing for your safety haha


also shout out to @foomatic for all her great vid work and bts footage. i don’t know how you didn’t trip boarding the escalator backwards lol.

xo •xoxoxo •x

Volunteer at ClexaCon this year. It was hectic, but a lot of fun! They need all the help they can ge

Volunteer at ClexaCon this year. It was hectic, but a lot of fun! They need all the help they can get, so you should sign up next year if you can. Also thanks to everyone who said nice things, we really appreciated it!

Post link

Just let me be a vampire!

#clexacon    #elise bauman    #natasha negovanlis    #carmilla    #vampire    #carmillaedit    #natlise    

How did Laura manage to survive so long without her heart?

#clexacon    #elise bauman    #natasha negovanlis    #carmilla    #carmillaedit    #natlise    
Elise: But she breaks the most hearts.Natasha: Not intentionally.

Elise:But she breaks the most hearts.

Natasha:Not intentionally.

Post link
  • The lovely bright green shirt volunteers.
    Ya’ll were awesome and friendly. Also, shout out to the peeps who helped me find something I lost.
  • Mod queen Dana Piccoli.
    I stg she was on almost every panel. A bunch of people got free lesbian romance novels she gave away. There were also quite a few other AE alums on the panels.
  • All the cosplayers.
    All the Lexa’s were pretty impressive, especially mini Lexa.
  • The Throne
    Saw some creative posing on that thing haha.
  • Free WiFi
    You could pretty much get on the internet anywhere in the Bally’s Convention Center. I bet this contributed to the tons of people I saw periscoping.
  • Drunk attendees.
    Ok, this was NOT a highlight. Probably not the best idea to sell alcoholic beverages inside the con. These people asked the most cringe questions during Q & A’s (looking at you Shoot panel).
  • People coming together from all over
    Met a bunch of people all over the world just so happy to see other fans. Also it was funny to watch people freak when Sara Ramirez just randomly showed up to attend.
  • All in all, it was a good vibe throughout, everyone was in high spirits and the panelists all seemed genuinely surprised how many came to see them.


hey y’all,

i have a double queen reservation at the tropicana (host hotel) for clexacon but unfortunately i won’t be able to attend. it’s for thursday the 5th through sunday the 8th. the deposit was $108 including taxes. after whomever pays me the deposit, i will switch over all information to be in that person’s name.

i ALSO have a free ticket to the film festival as well as a $43 ticket to the sinful saturday party if someone could take those off my hands. i’d prefer to sell the party ticket at its original price.

pls message me if you’re interested! 




It’s time! There are three voting rounds in which she has to make it past in order for her to be one of the final three nominees for the actual award show. Then the fourth round is where fans can vote for her to actually take home the award! The first round of voting is happening right now!


  • Wednesday 1/17 1pm ET – Monday 2/5 12:59:59pm ET 


  • 1. Go to the website http://csa.votenow.tv/
  • 2. Click on VOTE under Elise Bauman.
  • 3. Log in with your email address (or your facebook account).
  • 4. Boom! You’ve voted! It’s that simple!
  • 5. Repeat!

You are able to send in 100 votes each day for every email address. So, be sure to click that vote button 99 more times and get all the gays and non-gays that you know to participate too! It doesn’t take long at all and every vote is needed in order for her to make it to the final round and, ultimately, take home the award! Elise deserves the recognition, so let’s give it to her!

Also, just think of how badass and amazing it would be if we were able to get our girls to win back to back!! It would be such an incredible thing to witness, not only them, but for the series as well.

Spread the word! Let’s do this Creampuffs!

http://csa.votenow.tv/ ** 


hey y’all,

i have a double queen reservation at the tropicana (host hotel) for clexacon but unfortunately i won’t be able to attend. it’s for thursday the 5th through sunday the 8th. the deposit was $108 including taxes. after whomever pays me the deposit, i will switch over all information to be in that person’s name.

i ALSO have a free ticket to the film festival as well as a $43 ticket to the sinful saturday party if someone could take those off my hands. i’d prefer to sell the party ticket at its original price.

pls message me if you’re interested! 
