

Cliff/Rick: Getting Together (DISCO AU)

-The movie was lame, they all knew it, but money was running out on not only Cliff’s end, but Rick’s as well, and beggars can’t be choosers, so that’s how Rick wound up on a movie set, clothed head to toe in sequins at the height of disco like some kind of hippy trash

-Cliff is just the stunt double, but the scene doesn’t call for anything too hard for his buddy to pull off so he is blissfully sequin free.

-And Cliff is certainly enjoying his time making fun of Rick, until he drops his cigarette and watches as Rick very slowly bends down to pick it up, his roller skates wobbling in the dirt.

-He uses Cliff for support as he slowly stands up, cigarette clenched gently between pristine teeth, throughly invading Cliff’s breathing space

-But Cliff can’t bring himself to mind when Rick meets his eyes and slowly leans in, gently pushing the cigarette against Cliff’s parted lips, until Cliff clutches the other end between his own teeth.

-“That okay, buddy?” Rick is avoiding eye contact with Cliff as if he is embarrassed, it doesn’t help that all Cliff does in response is wheeze as if he is extremely warm and blink behind his aviator glasses. “Cliff?”

-“Fuck.” Cliff whispers before smashing their lips together, much to the surprise and relief of Rick, judging by the happy moan that escapes him. Cliff pushes Rick back against his dressing room, and begins to mouth along Rick’s neck

-“C-Cliff, buddy, just slow your roll, we got time.” Cliff pulled away to eye Rick behind his glasses, and took in his obvious flushed cheeks and dilated pupils. It was then that Cliff realized that waiting would hurt Rick just as bad as him, and proceeded to sink his teeth very gently into Rick’s shoulder, just barely covering the imprints of his teeth with Rick’s sequined mess of a costume. Rick moaned sadly at the loss as Cliff pulled away.

- “you’re right. dont want anyone seeing buckaroo.” Cliff linked his hand with Rick’s and awaaaaayyyyy they went.
